The Cedar Face: DI Jewell book 3 (DI Elizabeth Jewell)

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Book: The Cedar Face: DI Jewell book 3 (DI Elizabeth Jewell) by Carole Pitt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carole Pitt
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to see them.'
    Jade was horrified . Now she was in even deeper trouble. The culture of videoing or photographing friends indulging in sex was common, but naïvely she'd never thought it would happen to her .
    'Don't threaten me Duncan or you'll regret it . Remember my father is well connected.'
    'It depends on what you call connected,' he laughed. 'Rumours suggest your daddy mingles with unsavoury types. Although I guess he might have a few friends in high places. I've seen him in the Queens Hotel drinking with a cop. That's probably how he stays out of jail.'
    Jade desperately wanted to end the conversation. 'All right, pick me up tonight about seven and make sure you bring a bottle with you .'
    Before going upstairs, she filled up the glass again and changed into a black bikini. If she had to lie down she may as well improve her tan. Stretched out under the hot sun Jade wondered why she'd chosen to study at Grasmere Academy. Her parents had insisted she enroll at Cheltenham Ladies College. Even at eleven years old Jade had showed a rebellious streak. She'd attended a state primary school where her popularity began. When the time came to move to secondary education, all of her close friends chose Grasmere. The last thing she wanted was to spend seven years with girls who were richer and more beautiful. At Grasmere she would stand out. Her father had warned her that one day she would bitterly regret her decision. If only she'd listened to him. She closed her eyes and tried to make sense of why things seemed to be going terribly wrong, but facing up to reality bored her and she dozed off.
    Half an hour later, the sound of a car door banging disturbed her . Jade opened her eyes to see her mother rushing across the lawn. 'Go and put some clothes on right now . There's a youngish man at the door asking to see you.'
    Jade felt the panic again. Duncan must have come over to cause trouble. He was a rotten bastard and she vowed for the umpteenth time to stop seeing him. The trouble was he excited her, unlike the other two guys she was sleeping with. 'I'm not feeling too good, tell whoever it is to go away.'
    Christine Harper grabbed her daughter's arm and yanked her to her feet. 'You're not ill. How many times have I warned you about binge drinking? One of these days you'll end up in hospital, or worse. You're nothing better than a nymphomaniac Jade Harper. No wonder you have no girlfriends left.'
    Jade turned on the tears, which was hardly difficult considering her state of mind. 'Stop it Mummy or I'll end up having one of my panic attacks.'
    'Stay there and I'll send him over ,' her mother capitulated. 'Why waste my breath on a common slut and why should one extra bloke seeing you half naked matter?'
    'Who is it anyway?' Jade asked and got to her feet but it was too late, her Mother was beckoning to a tall redheaded bloke who was walking towards her. She wished she wasn't wearing the bikini or had brought a towel to cover up.
    'He wasn 't smiling as he approached. 'You're Jade Harper?' He asked.
    She nodded, and sat back down.
    'I'm DC Eldridge from Park Road police station. I believe you attend Grasmere Academy.'
    Jade nodded again, and wondered why she couldn 't speak.
    'I need to question you about yesterday afternoon . I'm assigned to the investigation into the murder of Keith Wilson.'

    Sunday 12th May
    Elizabeth turned up the radio to hear the one o' clock news and weather forecast. If yesterday was unseasonably warm, the temperature today was set to rise even more. She opened the French doors leading into the garden and noticed Bagpuss, her adopted marmalade cat, sunning himself on the lawn. Because it was a beautiful day she filled his bowls and took them outside.
    'Room service,' she mimicked and stroked his large head . 'When you've scoffed this lot you might consider going for a long walk across the fields, or climb a few trees. On second thoughts don't climb any trees ; I wouldn't want to lose

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