The Billionaire's Proposition (The Romero Brothers, Book 4)

Read Online The Billionaire's Proposition (The Romero Brothers, Book 4) by Shadonna Richards - Free Book Online

Book: The Billionaire's Proposition (The Romero Brothers, Book 4) by Shadonna Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shadonna Richards
at the time,” Venus
continued. “I must pick up Tristan.”
    “He should be fine at the estate,” Carl
said, looking down at his watch. “But I’ll take you to pick him up and then
I’ll take you home.” He rose from the table.
    “Thank you. And thank you for a lovely
dinner, Carl.”
    “My pleasure, Mrs. Romero,” Carl said with
a grin.
    The words washed through Venus like a tsunami
of emotions. Mrs. Romero? She loved the way that sounded. It finally struck her.
She would really become Mrs. Romero, wouldn’t she? Even though it was for fabricated
reasons. This was going to be the real deal. She was overcome with emotions. Stunned.
Amused. Dazed.
    There was no other man in the world she
wanted to be with more than Carl Romero.
    She didn’t know what got into her at that
    Carl had taken her cardigan off the chair
back to place over her shoulders. And she was inches from him facing him,
looking up into his gorgeous dark eyes. His hands were still holding the
cardigan around her and he gently pulled her closer to him. His smooth cologne danced
beneath her nostrils, delighting her senses. What was it about this oh, so sexy
man she worked for? There was something so mesmerizing about him, enthralling
that made her desire him so much. That made her want to be closer to him in every way possible. That made her forget who she was for
a moment and made her feel that all her cares in the world were drifting away.
    With just the sound of the waves from the
lake swirling against the boat and the sound of her heart pounding hard and
fast in her chest, Carl lowered his head to hers and she shivered with delight.
His soft finger traced the outline of her jaw and she tingled at his silky feel
as he stroked her sending waves of desire through her body.
Carl. His touch was magical, pleasing to her body.
    So this was what it felt like to be touched
by…a Romero. She’d heard a lot about the sexual prowess of the Romero men but
had to take a moment to process all that was going between them. Was Carl going
to kiss her?
    “God, Venus, you’re so beautiful,” Carl
said in a low, husky voice as he lifted her chin to his. He softly brushed his
lips across hers and a light electrical current bolted through her body.
    “Oh, Carl,” she moaned, as she pressed her
lips to his enjoying the sweet touch of his flesh. His lips parted hers and
claimed her tongue with a moist sweep of his. He slid his strong arms around
her waist and she felt the heat of his firm hands on her back. She reached her
arms up to hug his neck as he continued to pleasure her with his soft lips,
kissing her passionately and erotically, sucking on her flesh as she moaned in
what a kisser , she mused. Venus couldn’t believe
how good Carl’s soft, passionate lips felt on hers.
    Heat throbbed between her legs, her nipples
tightened at the tenderness of his hungry kiss. Her mind was in a whirlwind
daze, her legs felt delightfully weak as she leaned against the rail on the
yacht making out like crazy with her hot and magnificent boss.
    She relished the sweet taste of his tongue
and his lips as they continued to kiss hungrily. She could feel the moisture
increase inside her panties. She even hoped he had a condom with him so that
they could go much further. That was how badly she wanted to have him—all
the way.
Oh, Carl.
    She wanted him, craved him. Now. Right there and then on the boat, on the lake. Out in the
open. She didn’t care about anything else than having Carl make love to her,
thrusting inside her. Never before had a desire so strong, so powerful
overwhelm her by just a kiss. No. Not just a kiss, a passionate lovemaking of
the lips.
    He murmured, “Oh, Venus.” His breathing was
heavy and labored as he moved his hands down her dress, lifting it up. She felt
the delight of his hardness tenting his loins. Now. She wanted Carl now. She
was going to go crazy inside if she couldn’t have him now. Her body

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