Jumping Puddles

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Book: Jumping Puddles by Rachael Brownell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachael Brownell
Tags: Romance
Blake jumps in the hot springs. So many great memories, making me wish there was a promise we would have the chance to make more together. Someday.
    “The smile on your face tells me you’re not sleeping.”
    His voice is music to my ears, yet my smile fades instantly. Opening my eyes, I see Blake leaning against my door frame, filling the space more than he ever has. He’s grown, not in size but in stature. The shape of his body has changed and he’s filled out in places I would like to explore if given the chance. I’d start with his arms and his chest, both of which look fantastic in the tight-fitting t-shirt he’s wearing.
    I need to stop ogling him and say something.
    “You’re right, I’m not.” My voice, void of all emotion, causes his smile to fade.
    “What were you smiling about?”
    “Just a good memory, that’s all.”
    “You ran away from me again, Charlie.”
    “No, I walked away. I’ve never once run from you, Blake, not that I haven’t wanted to.”
    “Feisty this afternoon, I see.”
    I roll my eyes at him and sit up. He takes that as an invitation to come in and take a seat next to me. Now would be the perfect time for him to apologize. I remain silent and wait, deep down certain it’s never going to happen.
    Opening his mouth to speak, Blake hesitates. When he tries a second time, words actually come out.
    “So there’s someone I want you to meet.”
    “Would that someone be a girl that may have needed to put something on when I knocked on your door?”
    “She would be.”
    “I think I’ll pass, then.” Real mature, Charlotte. Way to prove to him you’re the adult you claim to be.
    “Please don’t be like that. I really want you to meet her. I think you’ll like her if you give her a chance.”
    “What makes you think that?” The nastiness in my voice won’t go away. I’m producing word vomit right now. I need to slow down and think about what I’m going to say before I actually say it, or this is going to get ugly.
    “She reminds me of you in a lot of ways.”
    “Seriously! So you don’t want to date me, but you’ll date someone who reminds you of me. Does she know this?”
    “I didn’t mean it like that, Charlie. I’m not trying to replace you.”
    “Does. She. Know.” Anger is clouding my judgment right now. No amount of inner strength is going to keep me from spewing the first thing that comes to mind.
    “I’ve told her about you, and she wants to meet you.”
    “Does she know she reminds you of me?”
    Blake stands and walks to the door, answering my question without saying a word. He stops and turns just as he’s about to disappear around the corner.
    “My parents are having their annual Christmas party tomorrow night. I’d really like it if you’d be there. It won’t be the same without you, Charlie.”
    Going to the party means I’ll have to interact with my replacement. Not going means I miss out on the party, and I’ve come to love the Collins’ Annual Christmas party. It marks the beginning of break from school and is the one time a year I feel a part of a big family. I look forward to seeing Blake’s cousins and his grandparents. I haven’t missed the last two years, since the Waterman’s have taken me in, and this may be my last one if I go away for school.
    Taking a deep breath to try and calm the raging storm, I let it out before answering Blake.
    “You know I wouldn’t miss the party. Does she have a name so I don’t look like an idiot when I meet her? She knows all about me, but I know nothing about her.”
    “I guess I’ll see you and Emily tomorrow night, then.”
    The grimace on Blake’s face gives away his uncertainty about wanting me to meet her. He should be scared about it. Depending on what exactly our similarities are, he should be very concerned. She may know about me, but I’m sure she only knows the bare minimum. Blake would be an idiot to share too much, especially if we’re that much

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