The Becoming: Redemption (The Becoming Series Book 5)

Read Online The Becoming: Redemption (The Becoming Series Book 5) by Jessica Meigs - Free Book Online

Book: The Becoming: Redemption (The Becoming Series Book 5) by Jessica Meigs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Meigs
Tags: thriller, Horror, Survival, Zombies, apocalypse, post apocalyptic, undead, horror thriller, becoming series, jessica meigs
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duffel bag onto the
floor at her feet and buried her face in her hands, drawing in a
slow, ragged breath, trying her best to not cry.

Chapter 9
    Remy sat on the end
of the bed in the room she and Dominic had commandeered, her bolo
knife unsheathed and laid across her knees, her fingertips lightly
dancing over the flat of the blade. The room had once been a guest
room, if Remy’s interpretation of the lack of personal objects was
correct. That was how she preferred it; too much personality in a
room made her think about all the dead people, both the ones she
did and didn’t know, that shouldn’t have died in the ways they had.
It was too damned depressing.
    The day had been long and felt longer, filled
with planning and coordinating their next moves, right on top of
all the action and adventure of their escape from Woodside. The
first full night they were spending in this house promised to feel
even longer than the day, if the fact that she was wide awake was
any indication. She hadn’t slept since she and Dominic had dosed
her with the fluid in the vial she’d stolen from Derek, and she
hadn’t felt like sleeping either. The same problem had
arisen with food; none of it appealed to her, and just the thought
or sight of food made her feel queasy.
    She was going to have to talk to Derek about
this eventually, though the thought of doing so made her queasier
than the idea of eating food. She didn’t want to imagine how angry
Derek would be when she confessed to him that she’d stolen one of
his cure samples and dosed herself with it. He was probably going
to kill her, and she couldn’t blame him in the slightest.
    There was a rapid knock on the door,
startling Remy out of her reverie, and she twisted around to look
at it as it opened. Dominic slipped in and shut the door, then
turned to her with a worried expression on his face. “What’s up?”
she asked, ready to get to her feet. “Is it the infected?”
    “In a manner of speaking,” he said. He knelt
beside the bed, grasping one of her hands in his. “Do not be mad at
me,” he started.
    Remy resisted the urge to yank her hand out
of his. “Any talk that starts off with, ‘Do not be mad at me,’ is
guaranteed to make me mad at you,” she said. “What’s going on?”
    “I told Derek,” Dominic said. Remy’s heart
lurched in her chest and her pulse sped up. “He’s on his way here
to talk to you.”
    “Oh God,” Remy murmured. “He’s going to kill
me, isn’t he? He’s totally on the warpath, right?”
    “Not yet,” he said. “Just be honest with him,
and he won’t be.”
    Remy swallowed hard and nodded. Dominic
squeezed her hand and pressed his lips against the inside of her
wrist. When he lifted his head again, there was another knock on
the door, and he murmured, “Be calm, and be confident. You did the
right thing.”
    “It doesn’t feel like it,” Remy said. The
door swung open, slowly and ominously, and Derek was revealed in
the doorframe, watching them silently.
    “I’ll come back when you’re done,” Dominic
promised, and he dropped one more kiss onto her wrist and headed to
the door. He slipped past Derek, who gave him a hard look, and the
doctor stepped in and shut the door behind him. Derek stood there,
staring at her, his arms folded over his chest. For once, he’d
tossed the customary lab coats he’d worn like a shield for as long
as she’d known him, though he had probably left them all behind in
the inferno of Woodside. He was wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and what
looked like combat boots, an outfit so out of the norm for him
that, if it had been any other situation, Remy would have done a
double take or maybe cracked a joke about it. When he spoke, his
voice was hoarse, low, and firm.
    Remy shifted uncomfortably on the bed and
picked up her bolo knife’s sheath, sliding the blade into it. “Why
what?” she asked, hoping to buy herself some time to figure out how
to explain.
    “Why didn’t you come

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