The Beauty Bride (The Jewels of Kinfairlie)

Read Online The Beauty Bride (The Jewels of Kinfairlie) by Delacroix Claire - Free Book Online

Book: The Beauty Bride (The Jewels of Kinfairlie) by Delacroix Claire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Delacroix Claire
wild they were.” Madeline spoke as sternly as their
father oft had. “All the world is not so readily charmed by you and your
schemes as Maman and Papa were. Take
greater care with our sisters’ lives than you have with mine.”
mouth set into the relentless line that Madeline knew all too well. “You cannot
command me to do your will, not when I am Laird of Kinfairlie.”
it!” Madeline cried, her vigor so uncharacteristic that her siblings looked at
her in alarm. “I will not suffer you to repeat this foolery! You have coin
aplenty to pay any debt as a result of this day’s folly. Swear it, Alexander.”
looked disinclined to do as much, and her sisters’ grips tightened on
Madeline’s hand.
would suggest you do so as the lady suggests,” Rhys said from unexpected
proximity. “Your sister speaks with greater sense than you have shown thus
thought myself among kin,” Alexander complained as he scowled at Rhys. “You
should have declared your presence afore this!”
you should look about yourself afore you speak.” Rhys captured Madeline’s hand
in his once again, easing Annelise aside. “A man must keep his wits about him
better than you have done this night if he means to survive as lord of a
holding. He must also guard his treasures more closely than you have guarded
the Jewel of Kinfairlie. We will be kin soon enough, Laird of Kinfairlie.”
flushed scarlet at this, obviously discerning some truth in Rhys’ words.
Madeline was astonished that her new betrothed was the one to champion her
demand. Her sisters regarded Rhys with admiration.
drew Madeline closer to his side, as if they spoke as one. “Grant my lady the
pledge she requests of you and grant it to her immediately.”
lady. That treacherous shiver began deep within Madeline’s belly. She was
stirred by Rhys’ touch and so surprised by his endorsement that she could not
summon a word to her lips.
regarded the pair of them sullenly. “I swear it, Madeline. I shall not auction
our sisters.”
there, the pledge she had requested was hers as readily as that. Madeline had
the uncommon sense that Rhys would ensure the promise was kept. She was
relieved, yet felt a debt to Rhys that she would have preferred not to owe.
that suit you well enough?” Rhys demanded of Madeline.
what was begun poorly has ended well.” Rhys tucked Madeline’s hand into his
elbow. “Come, my lady. Our betrothal feast awaits.”
turned at his bidding, as if she would indeed be a dutiful wife to this
renegade. She dared not let him see the defiance that roiled within her. She
matched her step to his and even managed to grant him a small smile. Though she
was glad of Rhys’ intercession, she was wary of his reasons for doing so.
sisters thanked him prettily for his intervention, their estimation of his
character obviously improving by the moment. Madeline did not doubt that Rhys
cultivated their approval deliberately - and she did not trust that he did so.
man could be charming for one evening.
man of dark repute might find that one evening of such charm served him well,
if it gained him the bride he desired for all eternity.
was Madeline who would have to live with the result.
seemed so determined to eliminate her misgivings - and to think well of her -
that he roused her suspicions. That he was a traitor to the crown made Madeline
doubly determined to not pledge herself forevermore to an utter stranger. But
no matter, by the morning, Madeline would be gone from Ravensmuir, leaving no
trace of her destination behind.
would be simple to do, for she as yet had no idea where she would go.
    * * *
could fairly smell the defiance of his intended. In truth, he could not blame
her for being reluctant to wed under such strange circumstance, no less to a
man she did not know.
less to a man

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