The Battle

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Book: The Battle by D. Rus Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. Rus
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can’t open portals to send it. It’s too expensive. The clan treasury’s become a zombie mice cage."
    I paused for a second, blushing in embarrassment. Yeah, the kids summoned the mice in a snap! No spells or ingredients! So I had to try it too... and what was the quietest place in the castle? The treasury, of course!
    I didn't have the heart to destroy the raised creatures. The wide-eyed rodents, digging through the gold, reminded me of one fat-cheeked piggy...
    So now they lived among the coins, ingots, and mithril waste, squeaking discontentedly when Durin would bring in an empty cart, and purring happily whenever his cart was filled with coins. They even helped unload it, which was why the noxious treasurer reconciled himself to their existence and even gave them an allowance.
    I cleared my throat. "Ahem... I’ll send your legions to the Valley at X-Hour. You can pick up your gear then."
    Asmodeus shook his head and said, "The astral watchers have crossed all limits. All neighbors are watching my dominion. The moment the troops leave, I’ll have guests from all the four sides of darkness."
    "So we need scare tactics! To make them afraid to even look at you!"
    Lightfighter suddenly moved. He wiped away his drool and emptied the goblet of precious wine in one gulp. Then he grabbed the succubus refilling his goblet by the waist and cried excitedly,
    "Let’s crush the strongest enemy in a surprise attack!"
    I shook my head. "Hello, once again. It’s a good idea, but now’s not the time. You’ve yet to familiarize yourselves with Verenus’ abandoned lands. Expansion is unwise if the new borders cannot be protected. I suggest we... hm... show off the power of the Inferno and the Alliance combined. We’ll get more mercenaries, heavy artillery, golems, platforms with mobile dome shields, and siege and field machinery..."
    The two demons’ eyes flashed in synch. "A legions’ march!"
    "Let the ground shake beneath our feet!"
    I nodded. "Precisely! We could then officially invite audiences from the neighboring dominions and the press. They can have a proper look, we’ve nothing to hide! There’s no power like ours in all Inferno!"
    Lightfighter said pensively, "I fear they might join forces in the face of an external threat..."
    Asmodeus waved his hand dismissively. "Those jackals can’t trust each other."
    I smiled. "I can have ambitious clans infiltrate the lands of any new alliance. My place is teeming with candidates."
    "So it’s settled! In five days, we march! I’ll have emptied out the Well of Power by then. We'll have something to show! A toast!"
    We clinked our golden goblets together. "Here’s to our partnership!"
    The hot, sweet, two-year-old mulled wine enriched with spices burned my throat and gave me 90 Strength points for the next four hours.
    Some wine cellars Asmodeus has! I could use a few myself.
    "Asmodeus, I have a favor to ask..."
    The demon grunted ironically. "Of course! What can I do for you? Someone needs a body switch?"
    "No... I mean, yes. I do... You see, I have to get into Tavor’s body. Can you do that?"

    Chapter Five
    S elected letters from Laith’s mailbox:
    Sender: Bug < Grumblers >: Congratulations on the successful destruction of The First Temple! I hereby declare you an idiot!
    After your show of strength and the incredibly powerful artifact, they finally started to take you seriously. The invading army is recruiting allies; everyone wants to join. The new Europeans alone boast over fifty independent units.
    The Polish, the guests from the Great Kingdom of Ruthenia and the Ivano-Frankivsk State, the German Totenkopf clan, the Lettish Forest Brothers, the Rodents from Free Georgia, and the knights from the Restored Livonian Order will all be paying you a visit.
    Also, look out for the new clan, Just Cause. Their goals: to fight the dark terrorists, to free the child hostages, and to establish a protectorate over the First Temple.
    Thanks to their infinite monetary

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