The Barn-Dance

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Book: The Barn-Dance by Camryn Rhys Read Free Book Online
Authors: Camryn Rhys
her arms over her chest and sighed. “Just go inside.”
    Leo scanned the hayloft, his face light and shadows from underneath. “I thought we could stay up here.” His voice was warm, and he reached for her hand. “I want to sleep with you.”
    Something twisted inside her. Sometimes, he could say the right words. For a moment, Mindy considered lying in the hay, side by side, holding him to her. But her common sense got the better of her. She knew how it would end. She’d wake up alone the next morning, crying. And would want to leave for parts unknown.
    Only there wouldn’t be an offer from Portland this time to save her from her broken heart.
    “Just go inside, Leo. There will be plenty of time for that later.” She pushed on his shoulder again, but he caught her hand. Her heart leapt.
    He pulled her down to him and captured her mouth. For a moment, she sunk against him and melted into his kiss. “You amaze me,” he whispered against her mouth. “Don’t forget, I’m picking you up for the dance tomorrow.”
    Mindy quirked her eyebrows. Warmth spread through her at the thought of being on his arm, even just for one night. “I thought you said forget about it.”
    He kissed her again, holding her tightly to him. “Now I’m remembering.”
    “What will you tell your Dad?”
    His brow furrowed. There it was again, the moment where he would reject her. He’ll never choose me .
    “Can we talk about this tomorrow?” His kiss was deeper, this time, more insistent. “Please, Min. Just let me stay for a bit.”
    She shook her head. “Go inside before we get caught.” She forced a smile and put her finger over those lips. “There’s plenty of time.”
    It was the last time she’d ever lie to him.
    Chapter Seven

    Leo came in early the next night from the Stackland place and went right up to his room to jump in the shower. He’d been planning this night all day long on horseback, surrounded by a bunch of other cowboys, trying not to think too much about last night.
    The best way not to think about last night was to think about tonight instead.
    Mindy had promised him the Barn Dance. He’d helped her with the cooking, taught her his tricks, and secured a promise in return, and he was going to make sure she couldn’t walk away from him again.
    Last night had been so strange. It was like she checked out again once he got inside her. She’d been so eager and then she just shut him out. But after tonight, she wasn’t going to be able to shut him out ever again, because he was going to tell her how he felt. How he’d been feeling for six years.
    How empty all his other relationships had been. How much he hated his dad’s ranch. How he’d wanted to follow her the first time, and he probably would have gone after her if his mom’s stroke hadn’t come shortly after Mindy left.
    Leo had thought for the first little while she was here that he could ignore her, that he was over her. But last night proved to him just how much he’d wanted her all along. Something exploded in his heart last night, and it wasn’t about the sex.
    Or at least, it wasn’t only the sex. There had been a moment when everything felt so perfect, and he knew this was it. This was the girl he wanted to marry.
    Leo showered, and whistled while he did. He dried off and dressed, then made the trek down to his mom’s room. He found the chest quickly. His dad told him about it after Mom died. Where all her jewelry were kept, where Dad had put all her rings. He was after one in particular. The engagement ring his mom had always worn on her right hand. One big ruby.
    His mom loved the color red, and insisted on a ruby ring when Cal proposed. But ruby was Mindy’s birthstone. It had been just before her birthday six years ago when she left, and every time July 7 th went by, Leo thought of that ruby ring. It was already passed this year, but next time it came around, this ring would be on her hand.
    Mark my words . He wouldn’t

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