The Banshee's Desire

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Book: The Banshee's Desire by Victoria Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Richards
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ready to share," Toby said. "You and Jacqueline are both good at keeping secrets. You think I don't notice, that I'm too blind to see or something. But I see more than you know."
    "Maybe we keep secrets to protect you."
    "Bullshit. Secrets are always harmful. I've had enough of them."
    "What secret do you think Jacqueline is keeping from you?"
    "That's the problem. I don't know. But I can feel it. Something has happened. And I'm worried that--" Toby stopped speaking, catching the words, catching his fears before they slipped out.
    "Worried that what?" Gabe pressed.
    "Nothing. Forget it."
    "Are you worried she might have something to do with Matilda's death?"
    And there it was. The thought that he hadn't been able to articulate, not even to himself. It was just too awful to think about.
    But was it possible?
    That was the real question. Toby mulled it over, only half aware of his son's presence. The alcohol had finally wormed its way into his brain, clouding his judgment, loosening his tongue.
    "What could she have done?" Toby muttered.
    "Anything," Gabe said, his voice soft. "She's a banshee."
    "If she helped Matilda pass over, she would have told me. But she hasn't. And I know she spent the night in the hospital room."
    "The call for a banshee is strong. She would have been attracted to Matilda's soul."
    "But why wouldn't she tell me if that was the case?"
    "Good question." Gabe poured more whiskey. "Unless there was something about the passing that was unnatural."
    "I'm just thinking out loud."
    "Hmm…" Toby murmured. "Unnatural."
    "What if she couldn't control herself?"
    Toby's temper flared.
    "Are you suggesting that she murdered my mother?" He slammed the drink down. "You should go!"
    Gabe stood slowly, unperturbed by his father's temper. He kept his gaze cool and level.
    "Let me know when you're ready to talk rationally," Gabe said. "There are things you should know."
    Without another word, Gabe snapped his fingers and disappeared.

A few seconds later Gabe reappeared in the hallway leading to the front room of the bar. He paused a moment, thinking about the conversation with Toby. He wasn't sure what he'd really hoped to accomplish with it, but now he had some valuable information regarding the path of Toby's thoughts.
    Daddy dearest wasn't quite sure of his supposed true love, Jacqueline.
    The seeds of distrust were already sown and it was up to Gabe to determine whether or not it would be smart to water them. He wasn't worried about retaliation from Jacqueline. His powers would protect him.
    Jacqueline may be strong, he reasoned. But I'm stronger. So much stronger.
    He squared his shoulders and went into the main room.
    People were packed in the place, but the mood was somber, broken only occasionally by a boisterous laugh. Candles were lit around the bar and someone had placed Matilda's picture on the bar stool where she often sat. Flowers cascaded off the stool, streaming down to the floor.
    Gabe looked around, observing the sad eyed regulars who'd come to pay tribute to Matilda. He'd not gotten the chance to really get to know her; yet, he couldn't deny that he felt some sadness at the old shape shifter's sudden passing.
    His gaze flicked towards Jacqueline standing near the bar, a bottle of beer in her hand. What had she done to Matilda? He didn't really believe that Jacqueline had killed her.
    But something had happened.
    As he watched, Jacqueline's gaze lit up as someone walked in the door. Glancing over, Gabe took a deep breath at the sight of Angela. The long bandage running down her face made her look fragile and he fought the urge to go over and chastise her for being there. She should be home, resting.
    But that wasn’t any of his business.
    Still, he scanned her body, taking in the limp, the bandaged wrist, the sad look in her eyes matched by dark hollows beneath them. She hadn't been sleeping.
    He watched Jacqueline hug Angela and whisper something that made the wounded woman

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