The BACHELORETTE Project (The Project: LESLEE Series)

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Book: The BACHELORETTE Project (The Project: LESLEE Series) by Tami Anthony Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tami Anthony
like her.
    “This is what I think,” Jay starts and then chomps on a stick of celery. “I think that this breakup is good for you.”
    I look at Jay as if she’s crazy. “Why would you even say that?” I ask just agitated at the fact that she would even think it. “I love Victor. I would do anything for him. WE WERE GETTING MARRIED !” I exclaim.
    “You were way too dependent on him. Living in his apartment, spending his money …”
    “Hey!” I say. “Some of that money was my money, too! I resent that!”
    Jay smirks. “You can resent it all you want, but your relationship was all about him and nothing about you. Just look at what he did to you last Saturday. He stood you up.”
    “He took me out the weekend before, ” I say defensively.
    “Yeah, for a benefit, ” she replies. “He needed a bit of eye candy on his arm to maintain his aristocratic image.”
    “As far as last Saturday, he had a valid excuse.”
    “Mmm hmm,” she says with an ‘I’m not buying it’ looking on her face.
    “I can’t help that he h ad a meeting or whatever it was, ” I defend. “If he has work, he has work. You know what they say: the news never sleeps.” That must’ve been the kicker. Jay begins to laugh … and laugh … and laugh. I’m almost embarrassed. “What’s so funny?” I ask her. “It’s the truth.”
    “Are you really this naïve, Leslee?” she asks me and I shrug my shoulders as I reach for another hot wing. “I mean, really, Leslee. The news never sleeps?” she shakes her head at me. “Stop making excuses for the dickhead. He doesn’t deserve you. Every time you make up an excuse for him, it’s like your making up excuses for your failing relationship.” And the truth comes out. It’s brutal, it’s harsh, but it’s straight to the point. A relationship intervention so to speak. I always made it seem like we were the perfect couple living the perfect life, but little did I see how imperfect it actually was.
    I open my mouth to begin to speak but Jay cuts me off. “Yeah, yeah, I know wha t you’re gonna say,” she starts. “He’s a workaholic, he’s busy, he ’s on TV, ” Jay says mockingly. “I’m a workaholic, too, but I’ll be damned if work is gonna take over my life and my relationship. I have a priority at home and that priority is to be with the woman that I love and respect … and WHERE THE HELL IS MY BEER ?!” she yells hoping that the bartender would hear her.
    I can feel the tears again as they roll down my cheeks. Jay hands me a napkin. “Oh, Leslee, stop your crying,” she tells me as she puts her arm around my shoulders. “You know he’s not worth your tears. You’ll find the one … someday.”
    “But what if I don’t?” I sob. “I’ll be single forever. I’ll be the lonely cat woman with a ton of designer clothes and nowhere to go!”
    “You won’t be single forever,” she reassures me. “But if you are single, you need to know that other people don’t make you who you are. It’s you that makes you who you are. You need to find out who you are first, get to know yourself and what you want in life, then come up with a game plan. Do what you want to do.”
    “I wanted to be a successful, married paralegal!” I exclaim. “And now I have no job, and no fiancé, and not even a place to live. My game plan for life is fucked.”
    “Well, I can’t help you with the first two, but if you need a place to stay, the couch is always free at my place.”
    “Thank you, Jay, ” I say to her.
    “Of course.”
    “But I think I need to get out of here.”
    “Out of the bar?” she asks me and I nod my head. “I know why. It’s because the Knicks ar e losing, isn’t it? I can’t bare to watch this shit either.”
    I laugh. “No. I think I need to get out of New York for a bit and get my mind together.”
    “Where ya gonna go?” she asks.
    I think for a moment. Where can I go to reestablish myself, get over my breakup and my whole unemployment

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