Lady Alex's Gamble

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Book: Lady Alex's Gamble by Evelyn Richardson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evelyn Richardson
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
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chambermaid came to lay the fire the next morning. Apparently she had slept better than she had thought.
    Alex was just finishing off the remains of her breakfast when there was a scratch on the door and a footman on the other side announced, "Gentleman to see you, my lord." The door opened to admit a tall, blond young man magnificent in his regimentals. Ordinarily Captain Anthony de Montmorency's handsome, open countenance wore a sunny expression for, the best of good fellows, he liked and was liked by one and all. Today, however, the green eyes were 62
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    by Evelyn Richardson
    cold as a winter sea and the mobile mouth was set in a hard line.
    Unable to do anything to curb the follies and excesses of his older brother's way of life, and resenting the hardship they brought on the rest of his family, Anthony had sought escape in military service. Now, inexplicably, Alexander was here in London and Captain de Montmorency was forced to confront all the unpleasantness he had done his best to put out of his mind.
    "You summoned me, Alexander? It had better be good and it had better be quick for I am due on guard duty at St. James in an hour's time." Under no illusions about his elder brother, Anthony knew that if Alexander had sent for him it was because he wanted something from him. The Earl of Halewood, always in pursuit of his own pleasures, had no time for a fellow unless he could use him and Anthony was not about to be taken advantage of as he had been so many times in the past.
    Alex rose and laid a conciliatory hand on her brother's shoulder. "Now don't fly up in the boughs, old fellow. I happened to be in town and, naturally, family ties being what they are, I wished to see my dashing brother."
    "Well I haven't any money, and even if I did, you could not have it. I shall send it to Alex and the children," was the curt rejoinder. Anthony broke away from the hand on his shoulder and began to pace the room angrily.
    "Tony, I am disappointed in you. Are you not even glad to see your eldest brother after so long? You have so little faith. 63
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    by Evelyn Richardson
    Not that I couldn't use a bit of the ready. Hit a spot of bad luck at Newmarket and..."
    "Forgive me, brother," Tony broke in savagely, "but duty calls and I have no time for this litany that has been trotted out for me so many times before. It won't fadge, Alexander, and you know it." With that he strode across the room, grabbed the door handle, and was about to fling himself out when another voice protested softly, "And here I thought you would be glad, or at least surprised, to see me." Anthony paused midflight and turned around. "Alex? You, here?" he began incredulously. But she was not there, only Alexander slightly inebriated as usual and smiling his foolish smile.
    At the expression on her brother's face Alex burst out laughing. "My disguise is better than I had hoped if I can put you in such a temper. Tony."
    Captain de Montmorency sank into a nearby chair, staring blankly at the figure before him. "Alex?" he said at last in accents of disbelief.
    "In the flesh, brother dear." She pirouetted in front of him.
    "Well, what do you think?"
    A reluctant grin spread over his face. "You should have been on stage. You are dashed good, Alex. You are Alexander to the life." His face darkened. "And speaking of our dear brother, I assume that he must really be under the hatches this time. Something is mightily amiss or you would not be here. See here, Alex, I may be younger and I may not have as much in the brain-box as you do, but I do know enough to understand what you are risking by coming to town like this. I 64
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    by Evelyn Richardson
    won't let you ruin your reputation to pull that blackguard out of yet another of his fixes."
    Alex smiled fondly. "That is very sweet of you. Tony, but at the point we have reached, such sentiments are not only a luxury, they are useless." She quickly described for him the latest

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