The Arctic Patrol Mystery

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Book: The Arctic Patrol Mystery by Franklin W. Dixon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Franklin W. Dixon
the Saga Hotel, a strange sight greeted them. Chet was in front of the hotel, wandering about aimlessly.
    â€œHey, Chet!” Frank called out. The stout boy turned slowly and stood still. “Hi,” he said listlessly.
    â€œHe sure looks funny,” Frank stated. He said to Chet, “Come here!”
    Chet obeyed, childlike.
    Biff looked closely at him. “He isn’t right. Look, Frank, his eyes are dilated.”
    Chet’s head lolled as if he was in a stupor.
    â€œI’ll bet he’s been drugged!” Joe cried out. “Holy toledo! Maybe somebody’s upstairs fooling around with our radio and decoder!”
    â€œBiff, take Chet to the front desk and get a doctor for him,” Frank said quickly. “Joe and I will go upstairs.”
    The Hardys hastened into the hotel, dashed to an elevator, and let themselves out on their floor. Tiptoeing down the carpeted hall, they came to their room.
    Someone was inside, moving about!
    Frank silently inserted the key in the lock, turned it, and swung the door open.
    Two men, taken by surprise, whirled around—the blond pilot and his phony rescuer!

    Man of the Sea
    CAUGHT red-handed, the two men glared hate-fully at the Hardys before diving for the door. Frank and Joe were bowled over and a furious melee ensued. Punching and cursing, the intruders bulled their way past the two boys.
    Joe made a plunge for the blond man and got a firm grip on his wavy hair. But suddenly he was holding a wig in his hand! The thug was utterly bald!
    Rex Hallbjornsson!
    â€œGet him, Frank!”
    The Hardys dashed along the hall, but the intruders made the elevator ahead of them.
    â€œDown the stairway, Joe!”
    The boys leaped three steps at a time in an effort to beat the elevator to the lobby. At the second floor the elevator doors opened. Out rushed the two men and raced down an adjacent corridor into a huge ballroom filled with tables and chairs.
    Grabbing chairs as they ran, the thugs flung them into the path of the pursuers.
    Frank hit one and fell flat. Joe stumbled over his brother. By the time they picked themselves up, the men had vanished down a back stairway and out of the building!
    Disappointed, the Hardys limped upstairs. In Biff’s room a doctor was examining Chet, a stethoscope to his ears.
    â€œYou say you had a cup of coffee with two strangers?” he asked as Frank and Joe walked in.
    â€œThat’s right, Doc,” replied Chet, who seemed much improved.
    The Hardys introduced themselves, and the physician said, “Your friend will get over it all right. He was drugged. Do you have enemies?”
    â€œPerhaps.” Frank did not want to reveal their mission.
    â€œWell, be careful. I am sorry such a thing had to happen to you in Iceland.”
    â€œThanks for coming over so soon, Doc,” said Biff. “What do we owe you?”
    The doctor waved them off with a smile. “Nothing. Glad to help visitors.” He put away his stethoscope and picked up his bag. “I would advise some exercise for you, young man. How about a swim in one of our warm water pools?”
    â€œThat’d be great!” Chet said, a big smile returning to his round face. “Where?”
    â€œI suggest Sundholl. It is indoors, and not far from here.”
    The boys thanked the doctor again, and he left. Frank picked up the codebook from the safe, and they all went to the Hardys’ room.
    â€œLooks as if a cyclone hit it,” Biff stated. “Are you sure one of them was Hallbjornsson?”
    â€œNo doubt about it,” Joe replied. “First he looked for us at Keflavik Airport, then he followed us around the downtown area and finally kidnapped us in that plane.”
    â€œI feel kind of silly,” Frank replied. “The blond wig and mustache disguise had us completely fooled.”
    The young detectives were relieved to find that the radio had not been damaged, nor had the intruders had

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