The Angel Knights-Prequel (The Angel Knights Series Book 1)

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Book: The Angel Knights-Prequel (The Angel Knights Series Book 1) by Mary Ting Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Ting
the age I could hold a sword, I was molded to be the best. Having an archangel bloodline, I am stronger and faster. They say the darkness is rising and we may be their last hope. I say, let the Fallen and demons come. We will annihilate them. As those thoughts ran through my mind, a smile spread across my face. A new me—the confident demon hunter version—took form.
    Uncle Davin spread his arms and said, “See you when I see you. Whoo hoo. Hawaii, here we come. Sun bathing, lots of pretty ladies in bikinis, and lots of alcohol twenty-four hours a day.”
    “Davin….” Father frowned, but his eyes twinkled.
    “Got ya.” Uncle Davin clicked his tongue. “I’ll be reporting soon. Bye.”
    When Uncle Davin placed his arms around our shoulders, my parents became a blur, and we were gone.

    I jumped into Michael’s arms and let the tears flow. It had been so long since I’d felt so empty in my heart. Even knowing that day would come, nothing could have prepared me. And knowing our children would possibly be in danger was the worst feeling of all, but I had no choice. It was who they were. My grandmother had tried to protect me from this life, but destiny always wins. You can’t fight it, no matter how hard you try.
    Michael held me tighter. He was hurting, too. He wrapped his wings completely around us, knowing how much I loved to be surrounded by them. It gave me comfort for the moment, but the ache in every fiber of my being would still be there until my children safely returned home. I wished we could go with them, but we had to let go. The Divine Elders did not go hunting, nor did we interfere until we had to, but I made an exception for my children. Our duty was to oversee all the Venators, placing them in between, beyond, and throughout Earth.
    In some ways , they were our children, too. They weren’t really children. In the angel world, anyone old enough to hold a sword and fight was of mature age. We all had the same job: to protect and defend the angel and human worlds.
    Michael stroked my back and released a long sigh. “They will be fine. Davin is with them. I trust him with my own life. And…they will have fun, too. You know how Davin is.”
    “Yes, I do know how Davin is…too well. That’s what worries me.” I let out a soft chuckle. I trusted Davin with my life and knew he would do anything for them. He always had, since the second they were born.
    “Meanwhile, let’s go check up on the others,” Michael coaxed, caressing my hand. “That should keep our minds occupied for a while. We also have a meeting with the Divine Elders. We’re going to have to send teams to scout around the world as precautionary measures.”
    I nodded to agree, but before I could say a word, Michael pressed his lips to mine for a toe-curling kind of kiss. For some reason, it reminded me of the time we’d spent by the waterfall. When he released me, I kept my eyes closed from being dazed and dizzy. His kisses were so powerful, causing me to feel so much. When I opened them, he held a naughty, playful grin.
    “Maybe we can do something else before we head to the meeting, Mr. Michael. Then we’ll check up on the others.” I waggled my eyebrows and gave him a seductive smile.
    “I like your thoughts, Mrs. Michael.” Michael let out a soft, predatory growl, giving me pleasant tingles in every nerve ending in my body. Effortlessly lifting me up and cradling me in his arms, he wrapped his wings around us and took us to our room.

    After the discussion with the Divine Elders, Claudia and I held a meeting with the Venators and their mentors. The room felt empty without Davin, Zachary, and Lucia, even though there were thousands of others listening for their assignments. When the meeting was over, I took off for the halo light to think—a place to gather my thoughts and clear my head. I needed to do something to calm my nerves.
    Soaring above the endless puffy, white clouds and the wind brushing

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