Surrendering To His Mrs. Right (Soul Food Diner)

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Book: Surrendering To His Mrs. Right (Soul Food Diner) by a.c. Mason Read Free Book Online
Authors: a.c. Mason
for it.” He’d seen the painful consequences of Greg’s behavior too many times.
    The m usic got louder. A group started to dance. More joined in. Indy’s best girlfriend, Lisa, arrived with her latest muscle-head guy.
    “Ready to join the others?” she asked.
    Had she picked up on his hesitation to go out there?
    “Yes,” he said.
    Indy led the way out. As soon as she slid open the patio door, the heavy base drowned out any chance of conversation. Mr. Kent manned the barbeque. For a moment he envied the man. At least he had purpose.
    A new tune came on and Indy stopped and turned to him, pressing herself against him again. She put her mouth right against his ear. “I love this song. Dance with me.”
    Before he could explain he had no skill with club dance music, she tugged him to the group of couples dancing, grinding their bodies together. He swallowed. She pumped her bottom against him to the beat, stroking his crotch. Did she know what she was doing? She locked her fingers with his and slid them over the tight curves of her form. He grew hard and shifted not to press his erection to her. The memory of her on the bed in his house flashed in his mind. He wanted her to teach him how to pleasure him. Everything melted away, except for the feel of her in his arms. She turned to him, wrapped her arms around his neck and tucked her face in the crook. Sweat trickled between her breasts. Her hot breath blew against his skin.
    In just over a week she’d be off to school, far away from him. The thought scared him. He tightened his grip around her.
    “When do you head back?” he asked , suddenly panicked.
    “Trying to get rid of me all ready?”
    Her conversation with Liam had really messed with the comfort that had built up between them. His brother might try to keep them apart, but he wasn’t going to let go. “Do I need to answer that?”
    She shook her head. “On the fo urth.”
    That wasn’t much time. Especially given Liam would be back on the thirty-first.
    The song ended but he held on a little longer. When he finally let go of her, his heart clenched, but Indy took his hand and led him to the table. There was only one seat so he gestured for her to sit down.
    “If you take a seat I can sit on your lap.”
    As directed he sat and she slipped onto his lap. Her skirt hiked up, exposing more thighs. There were more than a few glances their way.
    “What time are we heading out tomorrow?” She curled her arm around his shoulders and leaned in.
    Had he failed to mention such an important fact?
    “Didn’t I make note when I asked?”
    “I’m pretty sure you didn’t.” She smiled and tucked closer.
    This could be awkward. “Six AM.”
    “What the…You’re joking , right?”
    Tim shook his head. “I ’m sorry. I should’ve brought it when I asked. An oversight on my part. If you want, I can see if I can get one of the nurses to help.”
    She cast her gaze downward. “Six isn’t a problem. I was just shocked, is all. But if you’d rather someone else go, I understand.”
    He’d forgotten Liam was trying to make her think he was embarrassed to have her around his colleagues. She apparently slid right into assuming it was true.
    “ Indy." He waited for her to meet his gaze when she did he continued, "I asked you. If there was someone else I would have asked them. Once I make up my mind about what I want it’s hard to change it.”
    “I’m good with six.” She rested her head on his shoulder.
    Greg crossed the patio, stumbling over to them. A pit of annoyance opened in Tim’s chest. He took a deep breath to relax. Indy got along well with the guy so he should try to see him through her eyes.
    “Well, well . This looks cozy.” Greg’s face was flushed. “Stepping in to entertain Liam’s friends when he’s away. How kind of you.”
    Since Tim hadn't spoken to anyone other than Indy, he could only assume that Greg was out to make point.
    “Greg, you’re drunk,” Tim said. With any hope

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