The 6th of Six (The Legend of Kimraig Llu)

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Book: The 6th of Six (The Legend of Kimraig Llu) by J. K. (Keith) Wilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. K. (Keith) Wilson
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were three additional markers neatly arranged behind the first, the line ending at the back of the Action Plan. His original work was not this large; she had added half again as much.
    “Kimraig,” Leader Breen continued. “Two of your supervisors enhanced the numbers in this report. We are sure they felt additional troops would secure our safe return to home base. Those extra troops are irrelevant, since returning is not an option. I must work with what I find.” She chose to let him think she had not discovered his deception.
    She resisted the urge to goad him. Instead, she added. “Your two supervisors and their extra troops will not make this journey with us.”
    “Yes, Miss,” he answered. Things changed. Well, it looks like seizing command is my only option, or she guessed this ploy was mine.
    “Think of it this way. I have a full battle group and additional troops that I have arranged from Mistress Ann’s Number 1 Building. I gain you as my personal Hunter, which is the first time a Leader has her own Hunter.” Her bright green eyes flashed. Good deal for me. It is not as if I can use my twin Hunters as consorts. This will be the first time those other two brutes and I are apart.
    “As far as your physical services are concerned, I will decide if they are required.”
    When he did not reply, she moved to the second marker and continued. “I am sure you thought you would be assigned this project. However I am in charge now,” she reminded him rudely.
    “I will suffer your presence only because you have been inside One Nine. Is this clear?”
    He nodded. Just being alone with her had done something inside him. The depth of his feelings was no surprise, but the swiftness of its control was an issue. What is this? He needed to adjust. He would not open himself to danger until he knew just what these feelings were.
    “Your answer is required, Hunter Kimraig.”
    “Replace me immediately. I choose not to take orders from a witch.” It is time to find out how much she needs my help.
    “You do not have a choice.”
    Leader Breen turned back to the copy of his proposal. Ignoring him, she moved to the third marker and continued. “My attack force will form in the basement of Number 5 Building tomorrow morning before the Wicca Council meets.”
    They would not begin their journey from Number 4 Building as Kimraig had outlined for the Crosser doctor on the roof last night. Did she draw this line to mark the project as her own—or something more serious? He allowed his block to crumple slowly. Testing her ability again just as he often did when she approached his building sites. When he felt her begin to probe, he let his block collapse, daring her to follow.
    You will not catch me this time. Leader Breen slowly withdrew from him. It was useless to pretend. She could not keep the memories of her first mating away from her thoughts. Aroma hit first, his freshly scrubbed body trailing a light dusting of mint.
    As he stepped behind her, she closed her eyes as if this were not happening; she wanted to be somewhere else. Hands lightly but firmly held her shoulders as his tongue raked the nape of her neck. A broken trail of hot wetness traced her spine. There was less than two inches from her shoulders down to the first press-close fastening holding the top of her throw away gown. Nipping teeth tugged it open.
    Breen’s arms locked tightly against her sides...
    “Leader Breen, for the second time, you will be assembling our force in full view of Crosser observers. You are letting them know our intentions before we start.”
    She stared at him as if she had not heard; she had not. Looking away, lost in thought, and then quickly recovering, Leader Breen flipped to the third marker and spoke.
    “They were paid handsomely to ignore my troops, one time only.”
    “Leader, did the Wicca authorize this bribe?”
    “Let me rephrase.” Breen had remembered the spilled blood of two other Leaders this man had murdered when

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