The 10 Things You Should Know About the Creation vs. Evolution Debate
of the ground).
    Further, the idea that "dust of the ground" metaphorically
refers to animals is not persuasive. Consider the fact that God
later informs Adam what would happen to him when he dies:
"For dust you are and to dust you will return" (Genesis 3:19).
If "dust of the earth" refers to animals, then we must interpret
this verse to mean that when Adam dies, he returns to an animal
form, a conclusion no one would agree with. 13
    4. Christ's comment about Adam and Eve's creation is particularly worthy of note (Matthew 19:4). Christ, as God, is allknowing. Christ, as God, is also the creator of the universe (see John 1:3; Colossians 1:16; Hebrews 1:2,10). Jesus the Creator
affirmed that Adam was created not only in the image and likeness of God (spiritually) but also male and female (physically).
This affirmation from Christ would be quite misleading if in
fact the physical nature of man were actually derived from evolution (that is, a higher primate that was "modified"). If Christ's
words cannot be trusted in these particulars about Adam, how
can anyone be sure His words can be trusted in other matters?44

    5. To simply deny the historicity of Adam is to call into question the salvific work of the "last Adam" (Jesus Christ) (see
Romans 5:12-21; 1 Corinthians 15:22,45-49). If Adam never
existed and fell into sin, then what need do we have for a last
Adam (the Savior) to die on the cross for us?
    6. Young-earth creationists criticize theistic evolution as
violating a key New Testament teaching in 1 Corinthians
11:8,12: "For man did not come from woman, but woman from
man.... For as woman came from man, so also man is born of
woman." The apostle Paul here teaches that while men today
are born of women, women had their first origin in man. The
theistic evolutionist idea that woman came from a female higher
primate, as man came from a male higher primate, is incompatible with this teaching.45
    7. The apostle Paul teaches in 1 Corinthians 15:39 that "all
flesh is not the same: Men have one kind of flesh, animals have
another, birds another and fish another." Man was not created
from an ape. Rather, humans and apes have an entirely different "flesh." This verse cannot be made to agree with theistic
    8. One must ask why God would use mutations-which are
generally harmful to the creature-as His means of bringing
various species into being. As one scholar put it, "Why should
the omniscient God, who knows precisely what He wants, set
nature groping her way forward as if she were blind, to find the path of least resistance? Why should the omnipotent God choose
such a wasteful and cruel method to `create' life?"46

    9. Young-earth creationists also bring up the issue of death
before the fall. They argue that Scripture asserts sin and death
did not exist before the fall (Romans 5:12-14). If theistic evolution is correct, this would mean death and suffering existed for
a long time prior to the time Adam ever came on the scene.
This is unacceptable to those who read Genesis in a straightforward, literal fashion.
Young-Earth Creationism
    Young-earth creationism holds that the universe was
created-mature and fully functioning-during six literal days
10,000 or fewer years ago.47 This view is held by Henry Morris,
John Whitcomb, A.E. Wilder Smith, Weston Fields, John Klotz,
Robert Kofahl, Kelly Segraves, and many others.4S
    Young-earth creationism disagrees with evolution and
theistic evolution in that it denies that macroevolution (evolution of one species into another) had anything to do with origins.
It disagrees with progressive creationism by affirming that the
days of Genesis were not long periods of time but literal twentyfour-hour days.
    This view holds that when God engaged in the work of
creation, He did so instantaneously. Psalm 33 tells us, "By the
word of the LORD were the heavens made, their starry host by
the breath of his mouth.... For he spoke, and it came to be;

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