Texas Size Passion (A Cowboy's Heart Book 2)

Read Online Texas Size Passion (A Cowboy's Heart Book 2) by Janessa Anderson - Free Book Online

Book: Texas Size Passion (A Cowboy's Heart Book 2) by Janessa Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janessa Anderson
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worry about it right now, Emily. You can ponder on it later when the situation arises. Right now…Just focus on getting cleaned up, and looking forward to a wonderful night with a man that cares so much for you.
                  A shy yet warm smile moved across her face due to the words of motivation coming from her conscience. There was no need to linger on what she held inside of herself when she had a great night ahead of her that would be spent in the arms and company of Mr. John Hicks.
                  She dropped her hand away from the scar on her breast, and headed to the hot shower with her focus shifting from a part of her past to being on getting cleaned up and looking perfect for the evening ahead.
    Chapter Eleven
                  Moving inside of his tall shower, John stood beneath the shower head, and let the water run over his tall, muscular physique that now had nothing to cover it. He closed his eyes, and leaned his head back, letting the thousands of beads of water move across his thick, black hair and trail down every inch of his body from the top of his head all the way down to his six pack abs to his tight ass and firm legs before ending at his feet.
                  Ahh…This feels so amazing right now. His hands reached up, and ran them through his hair, letting the water to trail down them just so he could more of its warmth. After working hard all day…Being able to take a nice hot shower to clean up and unwind is a perfect way to end the day.
                  The day is far from over thought, John. His conscience butted in and whispered to him in a coy tone. Your day has only truly begun, and will continue on for several more hours to come for you.
                  His conscience was correct. The day was far from over for him. Even though he had spent most of the day doing errands for Belle and stepping in for Emily when her creepy ex-boyfriend, Johnathan Warrens, had been spying on her through the front window of the dress shop, John had the whole evening to look forward and spend in the company of his boss’s beautiful grand-daughter.
                  He took up his shampoo bottle that contained a really good smelling soap for his hair, and poured just enough into the palm of his left hand that would do the job perfectly. His other hand placed it back on the shelf where it had been before he rubbed the shampoo in both of his hands, and started to work it through his thick strands of hair.
                  You are right on that one. John chose instead of the conversation between his conscience and him to fall dead to continue it onward while he was cleaning his entire body for the party he was going to be heading out to soon enough. Things are nowhere near being done for me right now. I have to get myself soaped, washed and dried off really good.
                  Let’s not forget that you have to make sure that you smell nice and looking good for Emily before you step foot out of this house tonight.
                  Emily Withers…What a very worthy reason to make sure that he was at his top game. To show up, and sweep the sweet and sexy southern beauty off of her feet, and show how a real man takes care of a woman…made his body burn with a desire and an arousal all too strong for him to ignore.
                  A smile danced across his face as he rinsed the soap from his hair. He turned around to face the oncoming stream of water while one of his hands reached up to a shelf, and retrieved a bar of soap. His fingers clutched the sides of it while the palm moved it all over his arms and upper body, lathering up the farmer’s tan and cleaning it of any dirty and grime that was there.
                  There is no way that I am going to forget about that fiery angel of mine. She is far from getting lost at the moment.

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