Texas Size Passion (A Cowboy's Heart Book 2)

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Book: Texas Size Passion (A Cowboy's Heart Book 2) by Janessa Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janessa Anderson
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You seem to be determined on making sure that she is not lost at all amongst your other thoughts and feelings that are nestled within the recesses of this mind of yours.
                  And you would be right.
                  Once he was satisfied with his upper body, John repeated the same process with the lower half until it was lathered up enough and placed the bar of soap back where he got it from. He made sure that the water got all of the soap off of him before his body bent down towards the nozzle for the hot water. His right hand reached out and turned it off, causing the flood that had been pouring over him to stop.
                  It will be a cold day in hell before I forget about her.
    *                            *                            *
                  Opening up the glass shower door, Emily reached outside to where a large, white towel was hanging on a white plastic hook near her body. She managed to slip it from its confinement, and bring inside the stall where her naked and wet body was nestled.
                  Now…Let me get this around my waist so I am not totally freezing when I get out and into the open of the bathroom.
                  Her hands draped the towel around her body to where the top of it would cover the top of her chest with a little cleavage line being clearly seen on it and the fabric would then travel down and cover her to the tops of her knees. Securing it with a knot on a side of it, Emily slid the glass door open, and slowly moved out of the stall.
                  The moment she removed herself from the warm and humid environment that had built up inside of the shower stall, a rush of cold air hit her so hard it nearly caused her to cripple and tighten on the spot from the sheer surprise of it all.
                  God…damn it is cold out here!
                  The impact of the change in temperature made Emily struggle to move but gave her enough leeway to where she was able to cross the floor over to where a white cotton robe was hanging on the back of the bathroom door. Her hands worked quickly to let the towel she had on fall off, and grab the more warm looking material off of the hook it was on before slipping her arms inside of them.
                  Come on, Emily! You have to get this on if you don’t want to turn into a human goose bump!
                  Her body had already started to get covered in little bumps due to the change in the room’s heat, but she didn’t want in any way shape or form to have her entire being covered in them for it would cause her to lack the ability to properly walk away from where she was standing.
                  Managing to get the robe on her, Emily used her hands to bring the fabric around in front of her completely closed before tying the cotton sash that hung around her waist in front with enough firmness that it would keep it from opening up and showing off her naked form. She let out a soft sigh of relief and contentment from the feeling of the fabric being around her, and shielding her from the cold that had been wreaking havoc on her body.
                  Ah…That feels very nice.
                  A relaxed smile danced across her face from feeling the warmth of the robe causing the goose bumps to slowly disappear away from her. She walked over to the mirror and sink in the room, and picked up where her hair brush was nestled on the edge of the sink. Her right hand moved it over her wet hair, working its magic to straighten it out and get the strands of it to be free of any tangles that could be there. Emily brushed it for a few moments before she placed it down.
                  Well…This phase in the process is completed. Now, it is time to focus on the next step that is

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