Teorías sobre la plusvalía (Tomo IV de El Capital) vol. III

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Book: Teorías sobre la plusvalía (Tomo IV de El Capital) vol. III by Karl Marx Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karl Marx
Tags: Ciencias sociales
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the value of two commodities , which were produced by labour of equal value , would be inconsistent with the acknowledged equality of profits , which Mr. Ricardo maintains in common with other writers.» ( ibidem, pp . 79-80)
    143. «… that labour may rise and fall in value without affecting the value of the commodity. This is obviously a very different proposition from the other, and depends in fact on the falsity of the other, or on the contrary proposition…» ( ibidem , p. 81) [505]
    143. «… the capability of expressing the values of commodities has nothing to do with the constancy of their values , either to each other or to the medium employed; neither has the capability of comparing these expressions of value any thing to do with it. Whether A is worth 4 B or 6 B, and whether C is worth 8 B or 12 B, are circumstances which make no difference in the power of expressing the value of A and C in B, and certainly no difference in the power of comparing the value of A and C when expressed.» ( ibidem , pp. 104-105)
    144. «The requisite condition in the process is, that the commodities to be measured should be reduced to a common denomination , which may be done at all times with equal facility; or rather it is ready done to our hands, since it is the prices of commodities which are recorded, or their relations in value to money.» ( ibidem, p . 112)
    144. « Estimating value is the same thing as expressing it…» (ibidem , p. 152)
    144. «… mistake… that the relation of value can exist between commodities at different periods, which is in the nature of the case impossible; and if no relation exists there can be no measurement of it.» ( ibidem , p. 113)
    145. «… the relation of value […] between commodities at different periods…» ( ibidem , p. 113)
    146. «… if […] it is not a good medium of comparison between commodities at different periods… its [72] incapability of performing a function in a case where there is no function for it to perform.» [73] ( ibidem , p. 118)
    146. «Riches are the attribute of men, value is the attribute of commodities. A man or a community is rich; a pearl or a diamond is valuable.» ( ibidem , p. 165)
    146. [Marx formula aquí una síntesis de lo que dice Bailey en el capítulo X «On the difference between a measure and a cause of value»; v. pp. 170-178 de su libro. Marx lo formula asi: «indiferencia entre labour as cause and measure, en general entre causes and measure of value».
    146. «Whatever circumstances… act with assignable influence, whether mediately or immediately, on the mind in the interchange of commodities, may be considered as cause of value.» ( ibidem , pp. 182-183)
    149. «It is not, indeed, disputed, that the main circumstance, which determines the quantities in which articles of this class are exchanged, is the cost of production ; but our best economists do not exactly agree on the meaning to be attached to this term; some contending that the quantity of labour expended on the production of an article constitutes its cost; others, that the capital employed upon it is entitled to that appellation.» ( ibidem , p. 200)
    149. «What the labourer produces without capital, costs him his labour; what the capitalist produces costs him his capital.» ( ibidem , p. 201)
    149. «… the mass of commodities are determined in value by the capital expended upon them.» ( ibidem , p. 206)
    149. «Now this cannot be true if we can find any instances of the following nature; 1. Cases in which two commodities have been produced by an equal quantity of labour, and yet sell for different quantities of money. 2. Cases in which two commodities, once equal in value, have become unequal in value, without any change in the quantity of labour respectively employed in each.» ( ibidem , página 209)
    149. «It is no answer […] to say, with Mr. Ricardo, that “the estimation in which different qualities of labour are held, comes soon to be adjusted in the market

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