Tempted by the Bear - Complete

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Book: Tempted by the Bear - Complete by V. Vaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: V. Vaughn
back and offer my neck up to him. He suckles my nape as his hands cover my breasts. “What if I bent you over the counter and took you right here? Would you scream for me?”
    I whisper, “Yes.” He presses his palms hard against my torso as he drags his hands down. One stops at my hip, and the other cups my mound. Denim is a thick barrier between our flesh, and I whimper. I don’t know what’s holding me back, because it’s normal for new mates to spend weeks screwing any free chance they get. But most try not to do it in front of their families while they eat lunch. I grind my butt against his groin, and his erection tempts me to throw all social graces to the wind. I stop myself before I have to live with a long-running family joke about a meat counter.
    I turn to face Tristan. “Laundry room. Now.” I grab his hand and tug him along behind me as I lead the way to the small area that doubles as a bathroom. When we enter, Tristan shuts the door behind him. The lock snicks shut, and he grins. I have a long counter for folding clothes, and it’s just the right height for his previous idea.
    He reaches for my hips and turns me around so that he’s behind me. Nudging me forward, he presses against my bottom as he reaches for my waistband. “How close are you, love?”
    My chest is heaving with short breaths as he pulls roughly, and my zipper rips open. “Very.” Denim abrades my skin as he yanks my jeans down to mid-thigh. A cool draft travels between my legs, and I let my pants fall to my ankles and step out, but it does nothing to tamp down the fire of my lust. Tristan pushes my shoulder so I’ll bend over. My breasts flatten on the cool laminate counter top, and I splay my arms out as the clash of a belt buckle sounds behind me while he undoes his pants.
    He grips my hips hard and thrusts into me quickly. He hisses, “Dripping-wet ready.” A growl escapes from him, and he slams into me with force. I brace my hands against the wall and pump my hips into him. I want him to be deeper and say, “Fill me. Make me feel it.”
    My mate’s fingers dig into my flesh, and I’m sure he’ll leave bruises. Our coupling is fast, and the moment my channel flexes with my release, Tristan’s low rumbling in his throat tells me he isn’t far behind. When he finishes, his trembling body slumps over me, and he squeezes me tight enough to hurt. He relaxes a bit, and teeth prick at my earlobe when he whispers, “It’s time.”
    I nod, and the fabric of my blouse rips as he strips it from my shoulder to plunge his bear fangs into my flesh. The sensation is like an orgasm on steroids, and I shatter completely as I cry out his name.
    He growls, “Mine,” as he thrusts into me again.
    My pleasure has barely retreated before the wave comes back another time. Once it crests, I fall with it and say, “Yes. I’m yours.”
    Tristan groans as he explodes in me, and his words reach all the way to my heart when he says, “And I’m yours.”
    My legs are like jelly as I use the counter for support under my mate’s heavy weight. He laps at my blood and heals my wound. The area is sensitive, and each stroke of his tongue sends tiny aftershocks through me as he finishes. Hair is stuck to my neck, and he plucks it off my sweat-slicked skin to kiss me lightly. He repeats his earlier words as if he’s making sure we both heard. “I’m yours, Annie.” A sigh comes from him, and his voice is low enough only my bear ears can detect it. “Forever.”
    My mate. My true mate scoops me up and lifts me to sit on the counter. He stands between my legs and palms the back of my head as he gazes into my eyes. “I love you, Annie. No matter what happens, I will always love and protect you.”
    I’m lost in the icy-blue depth of his eyes. They trap me in his love, and I say, “I love you too, Tristan.”
    He kisses me gently, and we hold on to each other as if we don’t dare let go. I realize we have both found a savior. The De Rozier alpha

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