Tempted by the Bear - Complete

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Book: Tempted by the Bear - Complete by V. Vaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: V. Vaughn
now has a new place for his kingdom, and I get the family I’ve always craved.
    Once we’ve recovered and I change into a new shirt, we emerge to go back to the kitchen. Carly and Isabelle are at the table. Carly has a smirk when she asks, “Hungry?”
    Tristan hugs my shoulders with an arm as if he’s protecting me. “I think we satisfied our hunger. Now what’s for lunch?”
    Isabelle’s eyes are hard as she stares at Tristan, and I wonder why she’s angry. Her chair almost topples over when she stands abruptly, and she moves to leave the kitchen. But Tristan grabs her arm. “Izzy! We need to talk.”
    She yanks it away and spits out, “ Nothing’s changed. Wrong, brother dear. Everything just did.”

    Don’t miss an installment from V. Vaughn. Sign up for her newsletter .

    Rocked by the Bear is coming in February, 2016!

    V. Vaughn also has a complete bear shifter serial - Called by the Bear available. Find out what happens in the Northeast Kingdom before the De Roziers arrive.
    Complete Edition
    Called by the Bear Parts 1-3
    Called by the Bear Parts 4-6
    Called by the Bear Parts 7-9

    Don’t miss the Winter Valley Wolves :

    Desired by the Bear is coming in 2016!

Tempted by the Bear - Part 2
    I sabelle - My brother found his true mate and I’ve been replaced, so it’s time to replace him. Luke Robichaux is the perfect distraction, and love isn’t the only goal we share in common.

    T ori - I finally met the man in my dreams, but Keith seems to think he’s too old for me. I’ll just have to show him he’s wrong.

Chapter 1
    I sabelle

    I start to run before the shift happens. Fabric shreds as I explode out of my clothing, and the sound is satisfying. Hell, I didn’t even take off my shoes. I’m sure the carnage I create will appall Annie’s sensibilities. But I don’t care, because she’s not my favorite person right now. My legs surge with energy as my large feet pound in a frantic cadence. The memories of Tristan and Annie calling out each other’s names in the throes of passion echo in my head, and my blood boils over.
    When I get to the trees, I smash my shoulder into a pine. Wood splinters, but the tree doesn’t fall, so I stop. I’m beyond furious right now. A loud crack sounds as I smash the tree again, and it crashes into a few more. Plowing through the woods, I swing my front legs out to either side as if I’m blazing a trail. Branches fall like rain. Birds take flight. A startled deer races across my path. I snarl at it. That’s right, Bambi, be afraid. Be very afraid. Everyone and everything better get out of my way.
    “Isabelle!” Tristan’s trying to communicate with me telepathically, and I thought I’d blocked him out. But because he’s the alpha of my clan, he can get through anyway. He’s also the main reason I’m so enraged. Fucking true mates; it ruins everything.
    My lips curl up as I growl. He better not alpha order me. He said Annie being his true mate wouldn’t be a problem. He said he could handle it. He said he wasn’t going to seal the true mate bond by biting Annie. Fucking liar! I scream across the telepathic airwaves.
    I’m panting, and the damage I’ve done to my body has caught up with me as I limp in a slow walk. I glance down to discover red streaks of blood staining my fur. My legs are tired, and I slow down some more. I slap at a tree, but it barely moves as my anger lessens and my muscles weaken with exhaustion.
    My brother bit Annie, his true mate, and now they’re bonded for life. They’ll want to live and breathe each other. While that’s good for the first stage of our plan, he’s never going to be able to betray her for the second part. The part where we take over the Le Roux kingdom for our own.
    I turn and thud to the ground to inspect my injuries. Glancing at the wreckage I created, I notice more than blood splatters on the snow.

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