
Read Online Kinetics by Andrew Peed - Free Book Online

Book: Kinetics by Andrew Peed Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Peed
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prepared.  We didn’t get a whole lot of notice from Zach."
    "What is going to happen to
us?" Rachel asked.
    “We have a complex in North America
where we have set up a small community.  There we will train you to properly control
your abilities and meld into a social environment.  We also think that
education is very important so we will make sure that you have a strong
foundation.  We will also provide you with pathways to pursue higher
education.” Sam explained.
    “Sounds great.” I wasn’t really excited
but I wanted to get some sleep that wasn’t medicinally induced.   
    "When can we get a meal?"
Ronnie rubbed his stomach.
    "There are a couple cooks working
right now."
    "Well, alright then." Ronnie
sat down.
    "We aren't staying here in
Alaska?" I asked.
    "Oh no, no it's far too cold
here." Sam acted like he was shivering.
    "Good to hear." Sandy said.
    Sam's phone chirped.  He took it from
his pocket and looked at the screen.  "The food is ready.  So let's go get
something to eat." he motioning for us to follow him.
    I didn't know how to react to what was happening. 
These people went from soldiers to normal people in the blink of an eye.  Like
someone had flipped a switch.
    The dining room wasn't big; one long
table ran down the center.  The five of us, Sam, and Silence all took a tray
and filled them with the different foods that the cooks prepared.  We had a
Thanksgiving Day feast on each of our plates.
    For the first few minutes everyone just
ate.  Silence finally broke the silence, "You'll like Eastcroft, it’s a good
place to live."
    "Where is it?" I asked between
    "It's in the mountains of
Colorado.  Twenty years ago the town was built as support for an observatory. 
We found that it was a great spot for us to set up shop." Sam explained.
    "How many people live there?"
Ronnie asked.
    "A few hundred; it's about a three
hour drive to any large city.  Most of the people that live in Eastcroft work
for us, or run one of the shops in the town, or teach in the school." Sam
    "When are we going to leave?"
Ronnie asked mouth full of mashed potatoes.
    "In the morning."
    I never wanted to fly in a small one
engine plane again.  It was the most terrifying experience in my life.  Every
little bit of chop made me dig my fingernails into Ronnie's leg and then he
would hiss in pain. 
    "Its alright." he grunted
through clenched teeth.
    The plane was so small we could only fit
five people besides the pilot in the thing.  Rachel had to catch the next
flight which I could look out the window and see it bobbing around behind us.
    We passed over miles of towns,
mountains, and fields.  The fifteen hour flight seemed like it took far
longer.  We had to land twice to fuel.
    "There it is." Sam pointed to
the left side of the plane to a crescent shaped mountain formation.
    The first thing that I could see was the
observatory.  It sat on top of the mountain and we had to look up out of the
windows to see it.  The landing on top of the mountain was very rundown.  One
of the two large satellite dishes had collapsed and damaged one of the two
buildings that rested on the landing. 
    The town itself was small and tucked
back into the base of the mountain itself.  Outside of the edge of the mountain
was a small airport, or dirt strip anyway, that had zero traffic.  There was
one road leading out of the town, and I would barely call it a paved road.  It
merged into a better two lane road that curved back around to the other side of
the mountain. 
    Trees were thick in all directions and
there was a small lake centered in the woods on the opposite side of the
    The whole place almost looked man made.
    "What is so special about this
place?" Ronnie asked.
    "Well besides being for sale when
we were looking and very cheap.  The mountains are perfect for a device that is
designed to mask Kinetic brain waves from Aurora tracking systems." Sam
grinned with pride at the

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