Techromancy Scrolls: Adept

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Book: Techromancy Scrolls: Adept by Erik Schubach Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erik Schubach
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Chapter 4 – Techromancer Donovan
    My vision was starting to swim in the augmented colors of the world. I was aware of every metal around me, I could taste iron in all of the people's blood. Power was starting to arc down my arms. I started to feel lightheaded and realized I needed to breathe. I exhaled and tried to take in a breath without it sounding like a gasp. Show no weakness Laney! Belatedly I bowed low and kept my eyes on the ground.
    The big man stepped up to me and placed his hand on my back. His deep bass was soothing as he said quietly, “Breath trough it child. It is alright. Breathe, calm yourself, it will pass. Control it, don't let it control you.”
    I started taking long deep breaths and tried to calm my center. Besides Duke Fredrick himself, the Prime Techromancer was the most powerful and important figure in all of Wexbury. He was telling me to calm myself. Him standing there was counterproductive to that end. The Techromancers were my heroes.
    The colors of the world slowly bled back to normal and I slowed my pulse. I could feel the heat leaving me. I knew my eyes had returned to normal. I stayed in my bow. He pulled me up gently. “There, that's better now. Look at me child.” I looked up at him hesitantly. He looked over at William, “This is a child, not a rogue.” The man nodded and kept his eyes low.
    Then he addressed me again, “When was your igniting?”
    I didn't understand and Celeste answered for me, “Yesterday father. Her gift bloomed in defense of a Knight of the Realm. It was spectacular, I'd never witnessed an igniting before.” Igniting? She knew something happened and didn't tell me? Oh good lord, this was Techromancer Donovan!
    He looked at me expectantly but then his eyes narrowed. “You did not know? Surely you were aware of your gift.”
    Oh... I said meekly, “I am a sensitive. For two metals sir. Iron and copper.”
    He snorted then put an arm around my shoulder and looked up at William. “Pay her price and have her wagon moved to the main livery please.”
    William hastily counted out three gold coins from his coin belt, then picked up the rest of my coins and vouchers and handed them to me. I said to him, “I'm so sorry for any trouble I have caused sir.”
    William looked at me for a moment, studying me then exhaled and said, “I'm a little excitable. I'll have your wagon moved for you.” I nodded and Celeste pulled me from her father and put an arm protectively around me as we followed the Techromancer into the castle, past the onlookers that were gawking at us trying to figure out what was happening. I was in the same boat.
    As soon as a heavy oak door was closed behind us the big man asked, “What have you done child? Anyone who was magic touched would have seen that display.” I didn't know if he truly wanted and answer or if it were rhetorical.
    Celeste chastised the man, “Stop it, you are frightening her father.” I blinked, she obviously had no fear of the most powerful magic user in the realm. We moved in silence to the base of the Techromancy tower, just below the great library. We entered a grand office that was in disarray, with scrolls, tomes, parchments and devices stacked everywhere.
    He dumped parchments from two chairs in front of a great oak desk and made an ushering motion. Celeste pulled me down into a chair as she sat beside me. Techromancer Donovan sat on the edge of the desktop and looked between the two of us. I could see his mind running at lightning speed in his eyes.
    He looked at me but spoke to Celeste, “Daughter, why can commoners not wield more than the magic of a sensitive?” I understood he was educating me by having her explain it for me.
    I didn't know much, just that anyone in the village that developed an affinity for more magic, wound up on public display in the stockade, then vanished after a few weeks. I assumed to the dungeons.
    She exhaled and looked between me and her adoptive father, and sighed out,

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