Tangerine Morning: Jezzica's Story (Serenity Cove Series)

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Book: Tangerine Morning: Jezzica's Story (Serenity Cove Series) by Rita Garcia Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rita Garcia
being home alone. Now you two get a move on.”
    “If you’re sure. But be careful.” Jezzica hugged her sister and followed Zack out the door.
    On the way to the truck, Zack nodded toward the coffee shop. “Should we grab coffee and pastries from Julia?”
    “We might have time for lunch in Mariner Bay.” Jezzica smiled as her hand went to her midsection.
    “Coffee now and lunch later. I know the perfect place.” They settled into his truck with coffee in hand.
    The sun glistened on the sea and the day burst with spring. Fluffy white clouds graced the sky, and wildflowers added sweetness to the salty air. Jezzica closed her eyes and leaned her head against the headrest. If only I could seize this feeling. Serenity Cove is the most magical place in the world.
    Her thoughts did a one-eighty. “I received a message from the private investigator I hired. He was ill and had to stop—nothing to do with the killers.”
    Zack hesitated as though processing her words. “That’s good news.” He paused a long moment. “The hit-and-run incident concerns me.”
    “If the criminals are after me, it’s dangerous for Catylen to be here.”
    “It’s likely, they only intended to deliver a strong warning. Now they’ll sit back and see what happens.”
    “Have they been stalking me the whole time?” Wasn’t it enough they’d destroyed the biggest part of her when they killed Geoff? Were they out to finish the job?
    Zack pushed a button on the car stereo and the vivacious sounds of Vivaldi streamed from the speakers. How had he known this particular music would calm her raging panic? “I’ve loved Vivaldi since I was a young girl.”
    “My grandfather introduced me to the great composers. Vivaldi mixes with beautiful scenery.”
    Jezzica touched the dash—connecting to the music a little closer. “Remember the tag line, ‘take me away’? I changed it, ‘Vivaldi, take me away.’” Geoff had disliked classical music. Guilt filled her with sadness. How can I disrespect his memory by allowing feelings for another man to even whisper through my thoughts? There was only one man for me and I’ll never dishonor what we had. Geoff is not replaceable—not in my memories and not in my future. She pressed her face against the side window, hoping Zack didn’t notice her tears. When we return to Serenity Cove, I’ll make sure he understands I’m not available.

Chapter Thirteen

    Zack stared at the road as they headed back to Serenity Cove. It’d been a perplexing afternoon. They were having a great time, listening to Vivaldi and talking. Suddenly, as if a switch had been thrown, Jezzica became moody. She had turned toward the window and appeared to be weeping. He had no point of reference for the grieving process. He reached over and ran his fingers through the ends of her hair.
    She turned her head toward him, her eyes rimmed with redness. “Sorry. I’m not good company.”
    “I’m a good listener.” His arm lingered on her shoulder.
    “I appreciate your help. You’ve gone out of your way, beyond what the police department would normally do.” She paused and studied the scenery. “I’m not ready to date again—I may never be.”
    “Doing my job as a detective or helping you at the shop weren’t ploys to get you to go out with me. When we go out, it will be because it’s what we both want.” He reached for her hand and held it.
    “I can’t be disloyal to his memory—as though he never existed.”
    Sadness had apparently taken her to a place that he couldn’t imagine. “Can we be friends? I promise not to make any moves or overtures unless you decide it’s what you want.”
    She smiled, tears beaming in her eyes. “Friends.” Her grin disappeared. “I may never be ready. I came here and bought the bookshop to move on with my life—but the tug from the past is too strong—I can’t fight it.”
    Zack pulled next to the delivery entrance of Magnolia Antiques. Jezzica went through the

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