Team Omega
enough to remember the jokes from the first era of superhuman activity, before the glow had worn off.  Behind them, a handful of mutants lurked, watching through inhuman eyes as the ones who had won the genetic lottery showed off in front of their peers.  These mutants were a part of Hope’s plan.
    He cleared his throat as he floated into the air, looking down at the crowd.  They’d been very careful regarding whom they’d invited, aiming for the semi-independent teams rather than the government-sponsored teams like the SDI or the British Lions.  Even if they rejected his proposal completely, they wouldn't betray him to the world governments ahead of time.  Besides, few of them would want the Saviours as their enemies.
    “I suppose you’re all wondering why I called you here today,” he said.  As he’d intended, the line drew their attention and broke the ice.  A handful of chuckles ran through the air.  “And I suppose that some of you have wondered why you were chosen for such great power.  What makes you so much better than anyone else?”
    He smiled at their puzzled faces.  No one really knew where superpowers came from, although experiments by Nazi Germany—or American and Russian scientists during the Cold War—were the favoured theories.  But all attempts to create superhumans tended to create beings with flaws, ones that could be exploited.  A natural superhuman was far more stable than an engineered creation. 
    Of course, those in this room weren't the only ones with superpowers.  There were supervillains, who stole, raped and murdered on a far larger scale than any mundane crooks.  And there were the covert operatives for a hundred governments...and the independent actors, ranging from the mercenary to the downright weird.  Hope had been slightly relieved to discover that the Fashion Witch had turned down the invitation to the meeting.  Hope might have been a Level 5 superhuman, but the woman scared the pants off him. 
    “I believe that we were put on this Earth to make it better,” he said.  He’d said it before, in a dozen venues—and in front of the cameras, back when the Saviours had first introduced themselves to the world.  “Think about it; we have the power to do so much, power that shortcuts ordinary technology and could save millions of lives.  We were the ones who lifted a space station into orbit and established a network of bases on the moon.  And many of us work on a smaller scale.  How many of you have rescued people who were doomed, if a superhuman hadn't been around to save them?”
    He paused, remembering the woman he’d saved.  He hoped she’d made it home alive - and remained safe until his people arrived. 
    “It is time to take it to the next logical position,” he said.  “For the past fifteen years, the Congo has been trapped in a nightmare.  We have the power to end that nightmare once and for all, by destroying all of the different factions and permitting the people of the Congo to breathe freely.  How can we save individuals facing certain death and not save entire populations from their tormentors?
    “It is the intention of the Saviours to remove by force the evil governments, rebel groups and outside forces in the Congo.  I ask you all to join us.  We are intimidating, but an entire army of superhumans—natural superhumans—would be far more threatening to the outsiders.  If they retreat and stop supplying the various factions, they would be far less dangerous.
    “We will enforce the rule of law over the state—and disarm the different factions.  We will provide help that will get the population back on their feet, rather than keeping them helplessly dependent for the rest of their lives.  We will provide training and support to build a police force and an army that can prevent rebels from destroying the country once again—or outsiders interfering to steal the country’s mineral resources. 

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