Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4)

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Book: Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4) by Michelle Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Woods
Not that she wanted to call her mother, but if she didn’t do it soon the boys would show up looking for the product , and then all hell would break loose. Stepping outside she dialed her mother, she really didn’t want to tell her about the Jackal’s having a large stock of her mother’s product. Not when she’d worked so hard to keep it from them. Even the guns she’d brought them to trade for Annie hadn’t been working. Not that the idiots had checked. Sighing she ground her teeth knowing her mother wasn’t going to like that tidbit. She let the ling ring then hung up, waiting, she paced on the porch. It didn’t take long.
    “Hello, Mother,” She replied , answering the phone.
    “Well , I’m glad to know you’re still alive! I was about ready to send the boys. Next time call me sooner.” She roared into the phone, making Annie pull it away from her ear with a sigh.
    “Fine , next time I’ll call sooner,” Annie told her then after a pause just rushed to tell her, better to get the inevitable explosion over with. “I have disturbing news.”
    “What ? Are they treating you bad, or holding you for ransom?” She asked shrilly.
    “No, for goodness sakes mother, chill! It’s about the Jackal’s”
    Her mother interrupted Annie again, screeching, “What are they taking over the town? Do you need me to send the boys to secure the merchandise?”
    “Mother, shut up and listen, and I will tell you.” She paused waiting a few seconds, hearing her mother’s huff of impatience on the other end of the line. “Thank you. Now, the Jackal’s seem to have a large amount of your product. An alarming amount actually. I think it was them who raided the warehouse.” Annie said, pulling the phone away from her ear, waiting for her mother’s outburst. She wasn’t disappointed, she could clearly hear her mother yelling about those stupid bastards and talking about a raid on a delivery from two weeks ago that had gone missing. When her mother finally stopped yelling Annie put the phone back to her ear.
    “How did you discover this?” Her mother asked.
    Annie didn’t want to tell her mother that the Red Devil’s had half of her possibly stolen merchandise in a basement under Tank’s house. But she had to tell her something, she racked her brain.
    “Ummm….Tank and his club have a weapon they got from a Jackal in a raid. It’s here, an d they were telling me that the Jackal’s had a bunch more just like it with that emblem.” Annie finished lamely. That wasn’t going to convince her mother. She thought, cringing.
    “Really, and can you trust them, Annie?” Her mother demanded. “They’re bikers.”
    Annie thought about that, she did trust Tank strangely. Maybe it was because she trus ted Katie. “I know they’re bikers, mother. But yes I think I can trust them.”
    “You do?” Her mother asked , skeptically.
    “I do.” Annie said , firmly and she did.
    “Fine, I’ll have the boys look into it. And Annie don’t wait more than four hours again before you call me , or the boys will be on your doorstep, understand.”
    “Yeah, I got it.” Annie sighed, hanging up the phone. She needed to call Katie to see if there was really nothing to do, but wait. The sooner she got that drop done the better because then she was free.
    Annie sat back listening to the three other women talk. They were at the shop, she’d come with Katie to help them plan her bachelorette party , after calling Katie to ask about any possible way to get the van fixed faster. There wasn’t any luck in that department, but she’d agreed to come and help. They’d been here for about an hour. She couldn’t help with this part of the plan because she had no idea what the three clubs they were talking about were like. So she listened while thinking about Tank, and his mind blowing kisses.
    “I think Fancy’s in Titus will be perfect,” Katie was saying.
    “No!” Trick roared, storming out of the office glaring at

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