Music of the Soul

Read Online Music of the Soul by Katie Ashley - Free Book Online

Book: Music of the Soul by Katie Ashley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Ashley
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
mine, I knew how hard it was going to be to reign myself in tonight. But more than
    anything, I was ready to get the show on the road. When I pulled away, I stared into her expectant
    eyes. “Turn around,” I commanded.
    Abby quickly obliged. Her hands came to sweep up the long stands of her hair to give me better
    access to undress her. When I caught sight of the long row of fine pearl buttons, I sucked in a harsh
    breath of frustration. “Fuck me! Are you serious?”
    She burst out laughing. “It’s just a zipper, babe.”
    “Thank God,” I muttered. My fingers went to the middle of her back to find the zipper. I tugged it
    down. Once the dress bowed open, I leaned forward to bestow a trail of tender kisses across the
    exposed skin of her shoulder blades. I was rewarded with a dreamy little sigh from Abby as she
    arched her back toward me. After I’d given enough attention to the soft, creamy skin on her back and
    the base of her spine, my hands then went to the top of the dress to push it off her shoulders.
    All I could see on Abby was a white, lacy push up bra thing that extended down her back to her
    waist. I could only imagine how perfect she looked from the front with her tits all pushed up, just
    waiting for me to touch and suck on them. Just the thought sent my dick pounding against the zipper of
    my pants.
    I slid the dress off her hips and let it drop to the floor. Offering my hand, I helped Abby step out
    of it. “Mmm,” I murmured, as she stood before me in only a lacy, white thong and the bra thing that
    sure as hell did thrust her tits up into my face. A thousand and one different scenarios entered my head
    of fucking her fast and hard until we were a sweaty mess and she was screaming my name.
    “You look like you’re about to devour me,” she whispered, her cheeks flushing in the
    “I want to—I really do. But more than anything, I want to make love you as your husband
    “Oh, yes,” she gasped.
    I took her hands in mine and then brought them to my vest. Abby made quick work of unbuttoning
    me. She tossed the vest to the floor and then went to work on my shirt. To help things along, I
    unbuttoned and unzipped my pants. When I was only in my boxer shorts, I gripped her waist and
    pushed her back to the bed. “Lie down,” I said.
    Without taking her eyes off mine, she eased on top of the heart made out of rose petals on the
    bed. I knelt down on the mattress. As I loomed over her, I couldn’t help being amazed at how
    beautiful she was. How in the world a bastard like me had been gifted this angel of perfection I
    would never know. She would always be too good for me—too sweet, too pure, too giving of herself.
    “Hey, what’s wrong?” Abby asked, her hand coming up to cup my cheek.
    “Jake?” she implored.
    I sighed raggedly. “I was just thinking how much I don’t deserve you.”
    Her tender fingers rubbed my cheek. “Oh no, baby. That’s not true at all.”
    With a smile, I realized her love for me would always blind her of my faults. Her sweet words
    fueled me on. I kissed and licked across her collarbone, leaving little love bites as I went. My hands
    came to the clasps on the front of the bra, and I popped them open one by one. Her breasts sprang free
    and into my ready mouth. I sucked hard on one pink nipple. After increasing the pressure, I pulled
    back to let my tongue flick across it. As it hardened beneath me, I let it fall free of my mouth before
    blowing across the puckered tip.
    “Jake,” Abby moaned, her legs scissoring beneath us.
    “Patience, Angel.” I understood her frustration. My dick pounded against the front of my boxer
    shorts to get free and be buried deep inside her. But this was a once in a lifetime deal—the very
    reason why she had wanted to abstain. Tonight was supposed to be special, amazing, and heartfelt,
    and by God, I was going to make sure it was.
    I licked a wet trail from the valley between her

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