Tangled Hearts

Read Online Tangled Hearts by Barbara McMahon - Free Book Online

Book: Tangled Hearts by Barbara McMahon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara McMahon
Tags: The Harts of Texas Book 2
Curling her fingers, she shoved her hands into her pockets to keep from acting on the urge to thread her fingers through his thick, dark hair. She spun around and gazed out the window over the sink, lest every private longing be revealed when he looked at her.
    “That’s it. Frozen steaks, boxed potatoes, canned corn.” He looked up, a trace of uncertainty in his eyes.
    Brianna met his gaze, touched. Was he worried about what she thought about dinner? She smiled.
    “I can pan fry the steaks, make gravy and biscuits to go with it,” she offered, turning to take off her jacket.
    He was right there, easing the thick coat from her shoulders, tossing it across a chair, raising her chin with the edge of his hand.
    “I remember your gravy and biscuits. They were always great.”
    “I’m glad you liked them. Men are so easy to please. Cook them a hearty meal, plenty of everything, and presto, instant satisfaction.” She smiled saucily up at him. Feeling alive for the first time in two years, it was glorious.
    “I remember you saying that once before, when we had that barbecue.” He hesitated a moment, then murmured, “I remember every word you said.” His eyes searched hers, roaming over her face as if memorizing her features.
    Brianna was struck dumb. He remembered everything she’d said? Then why—
    “And I remember how mouth-watering good your cooking was. So I’m accepting that offer before you change your mind. There’s another fireplace in the bedroom. I’ll build a fire there so the room will be warm when you go to sleep tonight.”
    “I’ll take the sofa,” she said.
    “You’re my guest. You get the bed.” He strode from the room before she could muster any arguments.
    Brianna turned to the counter and began to prepare for dinner. She didn’t really mind sleeping in his bed. It would probably be the only time she'd get the chance.
    She was in the midst of cooking when Jake returned. She put him to work cutting out the biscuits and placing them on the baking sheet. While she kept a careful eye on the gravy, he whipped the potatoes. They worked well together, almost as if they’d worked in harmony for years.
    Moving around each other as they performed their tasks, Brianna felt as if she were participating in an intricate dance. She and Jake passed, reached around each other and sidestepped out of the way, each time drawing closer and closer. Once she stopped dead and he bumped into her, carrying a bottle of wine and two glasses. If her hands hadn’t been full of plates and forks, she would have reached up to touch his cheek. He stood so close his breath caressed her cheeks.
    “You must be warm enough. There’s color in your cheeks and your eyes are bright blue,” he murmured, refusing to move. She had stepped in his way deliberately. If she didn’t want to be there, she could step around him.
    “It’s the heat from the stove. Though the room seems to be warming up.”
    She leaned ever so slightly forward. Deliberately she ran her tongue over her lip and dared him to ignore her.
    “If we do this very carefully, neither one of us will drop anything,” he said, encircling her with his arms, holding the wine bottle so it didn’t spill. The empty wineglasses clinked gently as his arms drew her in and his face lowered to hers.
    His lips were warm and firm, moving across hers in a lover’s caress.
    Brianna sighed as she melted into his embrace, afraid to drop plates yet unwilling to step away. She savored his touch assailed by tremors that consumed her. She'd lived in a desert of emotions for so long. The glorious feelings that shimmered through her were thirst-quenching.
    She'd never known such love before and knew she would never again experience this with another. Jake was the only man for her. She wasn’t sure what had gone wrong between them, but it had nothing to do with this. Nothing could compare. In this they were as compatible as two people could ever be.
    Slowly he raised his head

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