Taming Eric

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Book: Taming Eric by J.a Melville Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.a Melville
just as aware of him as he was of her. That this burning, almost consuming attraction was not one sided.
    His lips trailed down her neck as he kissed and nibbled at her soft skin before licking his way back to her earlobe, biting gently on it and feeling her shiver again. He went back to just holding her, content to have her in his arms and they both looked out on the view of Sydney from their high vantage point of the hotel’s penthouse suite. Occasionally he dropped a kiss on her hair, or rubbed his cheek against hers, enjoying the contact of their bodies. They stood like that for quite some time, content to just stand there watching the city below them.
    When there was a knock at the door, they both jumped. Eric pulled away from Natasha and went to answer the door. It was their breakfast. He waved the young man inside with the trolley filled with covered plates and while he unloaded them all onto the dining table, Eric took the two plates he’d ordered for later and put them into the fridge. They were a surprise for Natasha and he intended to make good use of them.
    Once all the plates were on the table, Eric pulled a $20 note from his wallet and handed it over, closing the door behind him when the young man left with the empty tr olley.
    “Hungry sweetheart?” He turned to Natasha and her stomach growled loudly making them both laugh.
    She grinned at him. “It would seem that way.”
    “Come and sit down.” He pulled out a chair for her and waited as she gracefully sat down before he started removing the covers off the plates so she could see all the various meals he’d ordered for them.
    They both started loading up their plates with food and Eric suddenly realised that he was starving. Seems a man can’t live on love or sex alone and obviously Natasha was feeling the same as she had piled up her plate too. It was strange being with a woman who liked her food and didn’t just pick at it like it was the enemy the way his model ex girlfriends had always done but he liked it, he liked to see her enjoying her meal.
    They ate in silence for a little while but Eric started wondering how Natasha was. Was she really happy with their time away? Did she have any re grets?
    “So are you enjoying yourself? Do you have any regrets?” He asked, watching her chew the mouthful of poached eggs she had before she turned to answe r him.
    “No Eric.” Her eyes met his. “I’ve had a great time.” She smiled, blushing slightly and he smiled to himself. Obviously she was remembering some moment or moments from the short time they’d shared together s o far.
    “Tell me more about yourself Natasha. Your parents, siblings, hobbies, anyt hing.”
    “Well.” She began and they settled in for a conversation about her family, political beliefs, favourite foods. They discovered they had a lot of similar interests except for movies and musical preferences. They argued good naturedly and Eric loved that Natasha gave as good as she got. She might seem a little quiet and reserved at times, but she wasn’t intimidated by him and he was pleased about that.
    They finally fell silent again, continuing to enjoy their breakfast, but Eric had one question that he had to ask her since it wouldn’t stop going around and around in his head. “So why did you give me your virginity? A question that made Natasha choke on the mouthful of food she was eating. “How did you get to 25 years of age and manage to stay a vi rgin?”
    “I… I hadn’t met anyone I wanted to sleep with before.” She blushed. “I couldn’t just go to bed with someone to simply rid myself of my virgi nity.”
    Inside Eric gave a triumphant shout that she had chosen him to be the first man she slept with. She had to be attracted to him obviously to have made the decision to give her virginity to him. A part of him felt fucking amazing, whereas a part of him freaked out about what her expectations of him might be. He knew his attraction to her was like nothing he’d

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