Tales from a Not-So-Fabulous Life

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Book: Tales from a Not-So-Fabulous Life by Rachel Renée Russell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Renée Russell
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    Then the gym teacher came over and told us she was ready to start grading and we were going to be the second group to go. I just about had a heart attack because we hadn’t selected any music or made up a routine.
    I ran over really quick to grab a CD, and the only one left was Swan Lake . And since I had seen MacKenzie looking at it a few minutes earlier, I was definitely a little suspicious. So the first thing I did was pop open the CD case and peek inside. I was surprised and relieved to see that a CD was still in there. Hey, I didn’t trust that girl as far as I could throw her.
    MacKenzie’s group was first, and I have to admit, they were pretty good. But it wasn’t due to their awesome talent. Combined, the three of them had like eighty-nine years of private lessons. They danced to “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy” and ended their routine like this:

    What a bunch of SHOW-OFFS! I mean, what real classically trained ballerina would end her dance by doing splits and cheesing (which, BTW, means smiling) like she just got her braces off or something. I was like, “Hey, girlfriends! This AIN’T Dancing with the Stars !” But I just said it inside my head, so one no else heard it but me.
    We were up next, and I started getting butterflies in my stomach. Not because I was nervous. I just really hated humiliating myself in public. Chloe must have seen the look on my face because she whispered, “Don’t panic! Just follow my lead. I took ballet lessons for three weeks back in second grade!” I said, “Thanks for sharing that, Chloe. Now I feel SO much better!”
    Then Zoey whispered, “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. Ralph Waldo Emerson.” Which, of course, had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with ANYTHING!
    I had a really bad feeling about our routine, andwe hadn’t even started it yet. Mainly because I discovered our Swan Lake CD was actually NOT a Swan Lake CD. It said Swan Lake on the case, but the CD inside said something else. When I read the title, I was like:

    It was Thriller by Michael Jackson!
    Then my teacher snatched the CD out of my hand and popped it into her CD player and told us to take our places in front of the class.
    I was about to explain that we had a slight complication with our music, but I got distracted when MacKenzie’s group started squealing andhugging each other. They had gotten an A+ on their routine. But it was not like I was jealous or anything. I mean, how totally juvenile would that be?
    Anyway, when our music came on, Chloe must have completely forgotten we were supposed to be doing a ballet routine because she started doing some funky dance moves like she was one of those half-rotted zombies from the Thriller music video.
    The next thing I knew, Zoey was acting like a zombie too, so I didn’t have a choice but to follow along. Plus, I figured our teacher would probably knock a few points off our grade if Chloe and Zoey were staggering around like the undead and I was doing ballet pliés in first and third position.
    Okay. I really, really like Chloe and Zoey. But while I was up there dancing with them, I couldn’t help thinking, “What am I? Flypaper for FREAKS?!”
    I had to keep reminding myself that this whole thing was MacKenzie’s fault, not THEIRS.

    Actually, I was surprised that Chloe and Zoey were such good dancers. It looked like our gym teacher was pretty impressed too, because when we finished, she just stared at us with her mouth open and started tapping her ink pen on her clipboard really fast. Then she asked us to see her after class. We were really nervous when we went up to talk to her, because we didn’t know what to expect. Chloe and Zoey thought maybe she was going to ask us to join the school’s dance squad, since she was the assistant coach. I was keeping my fingers crossed on that one,

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