Talent Storm

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Book: Talent Storm by Brian Terenna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brian Terenna
grunt. “Then Goldwater smiled gleefully, like a kid on his birthday getting just what he wanted. In a blink, he crashed through us, his morning stars raining death. Our soldiers screamed and died as they were crushed into bloody pulps. His telekinesis tore countless men and women apart, like the giant hands of a glowing black demon. There was nothing I could do against a man so absolutely powerful. There was nothing anyone could do. In the face of his brutality, our army routed. I escaped, but most didn’t. After that, our men wearied of war. We focused on our defenses, worried that he might take us over singlehandedly.”
    I shook my head, only half believing him. How could anyone be so powerful? “I hope war never comes again.”
    “That’s why you’re a fool,” he said curtly. “Now leave. You have five minutes to get your things and get out of my house.” Although he was on the ground, he seemed to tower over me.
    I slumped, lowering my head. “Where am I supposed to go?”
    He scowled at me. “Always thinking about yourself. You now have four minutes; I suggest that you use them.”
    What could I do? I bit my lip and scrambled up to my room. A maroon duffel bag sat unused in my closest. I grabbed it and stuffed it full of clothes. I snatched the picture of my parents from my nightstand, kissed it, then tucked it into my shirt. Slowly surveying the room one last time, I breathed deeply. It was never my home, but I’d lived here for years. I rushed down the stairs and out the door, slamming it behind me, without looking back.
    Uncle Garson’s Journal:
    Growing up with my father was hard, between his explosive temper and the beatings. I hated his parenting style, but now I see that his tough love was for the best. I’ve risen in the ranks and protected the Coalition countless times. I’ve become a responsible, hardworking, and tough man.
    I never wanted to raise children myself, but I always do my duty. When my brother died, it was my responsibility to raise Jaden, and it was his harlot mother’s fault. She illegally consorted with my brother during wartime and got him killed. Distractions in battle are deadly.
    For years I’ve been trying to whip the boy into shape like my father did for me, for Jaden’s and the Coalition’s benefit. When Jaden was younger, kids abused him. He whined about it a few times to me, but I knew better than to step in. People need to deal with problems themselves, or they’ll always be weak. I made the mistake of protecting my brother from father’s wrath. If I let our father’s fists toughen up my brother, he might still be alive.
    It’s taken all of my parenting skills and now two of my fingers, but I finally pushed Jaden hard enough to stand up for himself. He showed surprising potential with his telekinesis too. He may yet end up being a worthy citizen. It’s advanced training's turn now. I hope they can further my successes with him.
    In a daze, I trudged to Ben’s house. When I arrived, my legs quivered as I stared dumbly at the door. Would they take me in? With my bulging duffel bag slung over my shoulder, I knocked. Where else could I go? After a few moments, the door opened and his mother appeared before me.
    “Hello Jaden.” Her smile faded into a frown. “Oh my, what happened to you? Your face is bruised.”
    “My uncle kicked me out of the house.”
    “What? Poor boy, come on in.” Her hand reached for mine, then froze. “Talent, you’re hands are all bloody. Are you hurt?”
    I slowly looked down, raising my hands. “Oh yeah. My uncle and I fought, but I’m all right.”
    She grasped my upper arm and led me inside. “You're always welcome here.”
    I felt tears well up in my eyes before streaming down my face. It was so great that she cared. Very few people did. “Thank you.”
    “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
    We walked toward the bathroom, and Ben emerged from around the corner.
    “Jaden,” he said in a jovial

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