Taking Angels (The Angel Crusades)

Read Online Taking Angels (The Angel Crusades) by CS Yelle - Free Book Online

Book: Taking Angels (The Angel Crusades) by CS Yelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: CS Yelle

    This didn’t satisfy the reporter and he put a hand
to his square chin, furrowing his brow over his dark
brown eyes.
    “Has anything changed in the past few weeks to
explain this?” the reporter pressed.
“No, I don’t believe so,” the doctor said catching
my eye as I skirted behind the news crew and gave me a
smile. “Unless you count some outstanding volunteers
joining us,” he chuckled.
“Who would that be?” the reporter said taking
hold of the idea and running with it.
“No, I’m just joking. I stand by the idea that it is
just a good place to be right now.”
I hurried past the scene before someone saw that I
was a volunteer and started asking me questions. After
gathering my volunteer vest and not wanting go back to
the ER while the news crew still mulled around, I headed
up to the long-term care unit to find it empty. No patients
today had me going to the cafeteria to grab an early Diet
Coke before trying to get back into the ER.
I sat at a table looking out the large windows at
the manicured lawn as it stretched out before the wooded
lot surrounding the hospital. I thought back to the first
day my nightmare killer took Jessica and how he hadn’t
come to my dreams since. What was the connection
between him and me?
The chair beside me slid out and Allister sat down
beside me.
“Hi,” I said, surprised.
“You’ve been a busy girl,” Allister said, his tone
low and disapproving.
“What do you mean?” I asked, hoping he wasn’t
taking about the murders.
“You need to be more discriminating of who you
heal, and you definitely need to stay away from places
like hospitals.”
“What are you talking about?” I feigned
“Britt, I know you’re healing patients That will
bring unwanted attention and could cost people their
lives.” He reached over and took hold of my arm, forcing
me to look him in the eye.
“I, I…I didn’t know.”
“I know. I take full responsibility, but you need to
stop coming here and doing this…at least for a while
until the attention settles down.”
“If you’d tell me what’s going on I could avoid
doing something like this again and…” I trailed off as he
shook his head.
“All I can tell you is I can’t tell you anything, not
now,” Allister said flatly. He stood and stormed off.
I watched him weave through the tables and hurry
out the door. I needed some answers, but the person who
held those answers wasn’t talking. I stood, took off my
volunteer vest, and slunk to the lobby where I dropped it
off at the front counter on my way out; thankful the
elderly woman wasn’t there to guilt me into staying.
The rest of that last week before school started, I
spent hanging with the girls and trying to ignore the
glows I saw around people. I got good at staring past
them except when I saw a dull glow surrounding
someone. Jotting down their names, if I knew them, or
descriptions in a notebook I kept under my mattress,
hoping to see them again when Allister gave me the okay.
Eventually, I could turn the appearance of the glow off
like a switch in my head.
The bad dreams were absent for that entire week.
I prayed my good luck continued, looking forward to
more positive days, and nights, ahead.
The three amigos and I cruised past the old Miller
house all week, trying to catch a glimpse of the new
owners. The house appeared lived in, the flowers
bloomed on the large porch, but we never saw anyone
tending them.
The first day of school I stood in front of a small
oak tree in our backyard, the one I planted from an acorn,
posing for the obligatory ‘first day of school picture.’ I
rolled my eyes as Mom ushered me out to fulfill this
yearly tradition.
“I’m going to be late,” I complained.
“No, you’re not,” she assured, snapping another
“The girls will be by any minute,” I told her.
The familiar honk of the Wrangler’s horn alerted
us to the arrival of my ride and I rushed past Mom as

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