Taken Love

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Book: Taken Love by KC Royale Read Free Book Online
Authors: KC Royale
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closed, my back arched off his bed, as he lowered his head, sucking hard on my nipple. I cried out as the internal ache was back, taking me higher than before, as he touched me. I didn’t want him to ever stop. “I want only you,” he muttered, as my nipple popped out of his mouth, allowing the cold air to make it harden even more. “Just you, baby.” He uttered, as his tongue circled my nipple, and I moaned loudly, as his finger continued to move slowly inside of me. “I love you, Kathleen.” He muttered, as he looked into my eyes, panting slowly while silently asking for permission to claim me.
    “Oh, Johnathan,” I moaned, as my hands squeezed his back, needing more from him. His finger began to move faster, deeper inside me, and I felt a pleasure that I could have never foreseen happening to me right now. “Kiss me, taste me, and claim me, Johnathan… I’m yours.” I breathed, pulling him back down to me, and he growled while we kissed, doing just as I asked. He kissed my lips slowly, and deepened the kiss with a passion that was so intoxicating. He tasted my body in ways that had me gripping his sheets and moaning his name, as his lips and tongue covered me. He claimed me, and my heart. As my body adjusted to the full length of him, my heart accepted him, and all he had to give. On that day, he fully claimed me, becoming my first lover. That day, I also fell in love. That day changed the rest of my life. That day, I was taken.

Chapter 8
    Weeks later…
    A LOT CAN change in a few weeks, I was living proof of that. The arrival of Johnathan Pierce had turned my world upside down, and ripped me open emotionally, physically, and mentally. What was this hold he had over me? Was I dreaming? There I stood in front of the mirror at my house, clutching my white cap in my hand. The cap I’d been waiting to adorn since I was a child. The time had finally come for me to graduate the world of high school, and enter another world of adult life. I raised my hand up to my swollen lips, and smiled, as I applied my lip gloss. My lips stayed swollen because of my significant other, who has an insatiable lust for me that I still didn’t fully understand. I was understanding him a little more each day, and it was exciting to get to know him better, and to feel loved. He loved me, and I loved him, and we were together most days and most nights. Engaging in behavior that may be deemed inappropriate, for two so young. I smiled and left the bathroom, heading down the hall, and I could hear my parents talking in the kitchen. I stood at the top of the staircase to listen without being seen. “No, I don’t agree, but, what can we do about it now?” My mother stated on a huff.
    “We could talk to her, she is still our daughter, and she will listen to us.” My father stated.
    “I doubt that, Bill, we’re too late, she’s decided.” My mother reluctantly stated. I exhaled at the tension I had brought upon my parents, but I knew what was best for my future.
    “What do you mean she’s decided?” She’s a child, our child, Carrie!” He snapped.
    “What I mean, is that, she is my daughter, and I know her. I know she’s made up her mind, and since she’s eighteen now, we have to support her.”
    “I’m all for supporting her, but this sudden change of plans is not what we wanted for her. All this is because of that boy, I know it. He has sailed into town, and now our daughter is ready to—.”
    “Hey, I’m ready to go.” I walked down the stairs, and into the kitchen, stopping their conversation about me and JP. They’ve had a hard time dealing with, not only the fact of me having my first boyfriend, but also the fact that I was so head over heels in love with him as well. They were scared, but little did the know, I was scared too. But I trusted my feelings for JP, and I trusted him. I was learning how to be with him, to do that, I had to follow my instincts and my

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