Urban Climber 2

Read Online Urban Climber 2 by S.V. Hunter - Free Book Online

Book: Urban Climber 2 by S.V. Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.V. Hunter
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    “If you don’t want me to have anyone else’s pussy, you’ve got to realize that I’m going to want yours … a lot.”
    “How often?”
    “How long is a ball of string? Maybe three times a day? Who knows?”
    “Three times a day?” I squeak. “What are you, eighteen?”
    “When I want it, I will send you a text message telling you, and then you will get into position, and I will phone you.”
    “Oh, will you now?”
    “Why are you acting like this, Hugo? Can’t you just go back to being the nice guy I knew and loved?”
    “Can’t you just go back to the little virgin I knew and loved? No. Now, if I’m to stay faithful to you, I’ll be doing things that may freak you out at first, but you’ll end up enjoying it, I’m quite sure.”
    Nothing about this feels good. I don’t feel sexy. I don’t feel loved. I feel cheap. I feel watched. I feel used. “Hugo, maybe we should do this another time.”
    “Turn back around and push up your skirt so I can see your panties.” He pauses, and I hear the sound of his fly being undone. “Red and lacy? That’s a bit risqué for you, isn’t it?”
    I giggle. “Yeah, they’re new.”
    “Did you buy them for him?”
    “Don’t lie to me.”
    “Yes,” I mumble.
    “And did he like them?”
    “Please,” I whimper, tears filling my eyes. “Don’t do this.”
    “Take off your top. Let me see your tits.”
    “Hugo, please you’re making me feel like a …”
    “Like a what? Like a slut?”
    I pause, looking back at the camera as he pulls his dick out of his trousers. “Yeah.”
    “If you’re feeling that way, maybe that’s because you are.”
    “I’m not.” My voice catches in my throat. “I’m your fiancée, remember?”
    “My dirty fiancée.”
    I pull off my top, and he groans through the speakers. “My, my Laura. They’re pushed up to your eyeballs. Did you wear that to class today?”
    “Yes,” I mumble.
    “Speak up.”
    I shrug. “What’s wrong with it?”
    “It barely contains you. You’re just about busting out of it. It’s very slutty, Laura. Very slutty indeed.”
    “It’s sexy, not slutty.”
    “Well, you would know.” He groans as he begins stroking his dick. “You’ve been a bad girl, haven’t you?”
    “Laura, you don’t seem to understand how this works. I say stuff, and you agree and do as I say. It’s very simple.”
    “But I’m not comfortable doing this.”
    “Do you want me to go out and screw Fifi again? Is that what you want? ‘Cause I will, you know. I’ll pump her until she splits.”
    “Hugo,” I sob. “Please don’t say things like that. You need help. You shouldn’t want to be with other girls. You should only want to be with me.”
    He shrugs. “I’m a guy. At least I’m being honest about it now. Isn’t that what you want?”
    “And isn’t it you who wants me to stay faithful?”
    I nod.
    “Then what’s the problem?”
    “I guess there isn’t one.”
    “Good girl,” he growls. “Now push down your panties and let me see it.”
    I let the red lace slip off my hips, down my thighs, and fall to the floor. “Mmm. The camera is doing magical things to it.” He laughs. “I’m loving the lighting.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “You look hairless, doll.”
    “I am.”
    His eyes burn through me as he leans forward, pointing his finger at the screen. “Who is this guy?” he yells. “I’ve asked you to go hairless for me for years, but oh no, Miss Laura Hemsworth was far too proper. And now you get waxed for some prick you’ve known for five minutes?”
    “It’s got nothing to do with him. Please, calm down. I wanted to try it for myself, that’s all.”

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