Taken: His BFF 2 - Steamy BWWM Romance Collection: Ravished by You/Conquered by You/Avenged by You (Forbidden Fruit: Naughty Seduction Adventures Boxed Set)

Read Online Taken: His BFF 2 - Steamy BWWM Romance Collection: Ravished by You/Conquered by You/Avenged by You (Forbidden Fruit: Naughty Seduction Adventures Boxed Set) by Rowena - Free Book Online

Book: Taken: His BFF 2 - Steamy BWWM Romance Collection: Ravished by You/Conquered by You/Avenged by You (Forbidden Fruit: Naughty Seduction Adventures Boxed Set) by Rowena Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rowena
Tags: Romance, Erotic Fiction, Short Stories (Single Author), Interracial
aspect—Michael’s extended absences.
    I know how dangerous Michael is—how he can burrow his way into other parts of me as I’ve witnessed happen to other girls, a few stronger girls, even.
    But the thing is, I noticed something else—having Reggie there while Michael fucked me lessened Michael’s potentially devastating effect on me. My walls stayed up despite all the other walls giving in. Michael still dominated my body and freed me up to the ultimate pleasure, but everything stayed at a purely physical level, unlike the vulnerability I felt when he was about to fuck me alone.
    Michael is a dangerous man, but I am safe with Reggie still by my side—though I don’t know for long.
    Either way, I like this idea a lot.
    I’m not sure where Reggie thinks this will all lead—if he believes I’ll really get it out of my system in a few months or years, and at some point, choose to be with just him.
    I don’t know if I can ever get whatever this amazing thing is out of my system, nor how long Michael will go for this arrangement.
    All I know is that for now, I have my cake and can eat it too.



    Cover photo by nelka7812.
    Eromantica Publications
    First Edition: June 2015

    Lonely Bridget would love to get back at her ex somehow—to make him pay for how callously he dumped her. But she’s not a vengeful person, so she simply tries to move on from the sting of rejection and get on with her life.
    Against her better judgment, she decides to attend a party thrown by her ex’s best friend, Scott— a gorgeous, muscular guy she harbored a light attraction for but never thought of pursuing.
    But Scott has other plans for the dejected, no-longer-off-limits beauty, and he is determined to pull her out of the dumps and quench his own burning secret desire for her once and for all, hard and unprotected .

    M y gut’s telling me it’s a horrible idea to go to this house party where I know my ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend will show up—particularly since it’s his best friend’s birthday party—but I want to prove that I’m the bigger person and that I’m over him. Besides, I sort of miss the birthday boy, Scott—he and I hung out a lot when I was with my ex and got to know each other pretty well. Scott felt like a real friend to me, so it really hurt when he disappeared once Darren and I broke up.
    I mean, I really missed him—more than I expected to, to be completely honest. He must’ve missed me too, right?
    Hot Scott I used to call him in my head and prayed I never slipped saying aloud.
    He is tall and broad-shouldered, and his face is ridiculously handsome. But still, my relationship with him was totally innocent and friendly. Super platonic. I appreciated his looks, yeah, but any human would, regardless of orientation or status. Seeing his amazing good looks for what they were didn’t mean anything more than that.
    You have nothing to prove , my gut tells me for the last time as I start getting ready.
    I knew I could still text in some emergency and not show up—I still had time to save face. Because what if I wasn’t over my ex after all and everyone got to see my jealousy and shame when I finally come face to face with the girl who replaced me? I know I won’t be able to help checking her out—her hair, her boobs, her butt. Is she taller than me? Skinnier? White? Latina?
    And it’ll probably kill me to see Darren’s arm around her, and god forbid, witness them kissing, which there’s no doubt they’ll end up doing at some point.
    So why am I even going through with this? I’m obviously setting myself up for great pain and torture, and probably public embarrassment if I can’t control looking sad, or even worse, if I burst into tears and quickly run out of the party.
    It’s just that I’ve been holed up since the breakup, and a party with a bunch of people I

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