Taken by Aliens: An Interstellar Erotic Romance

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Book: Taken by Aliens: An Interstellar Erotic Romance by Stephani Sykes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephani Sykes
Chapter one
    It all started, really, with me just innocently writing a letter to my parents. I was doing it old school style, putting pen to paper. I used to find that that felt pretty good sometimes. My parents were pretty low tech and had never gotten into computers or any of that technology. I don’t even think they owned a TV after I moved out. Anyhow, I digress.
    “Kiley, will you hurry up.” That was my best friend Jennifer, and at that moment she was wearing a white leather skirt with a black top that really didn’t leave all that much to the imagination. If I were to have gone all lezzie, I might have considered getting with her. She was the ultimate blond bombshell with the kind of tits that defy gravity to boot. I couldn’t blame her for wanting to show off, because if I had had those kinds of looks, I would have been flaunting them as well. “I put out an outfit for you. I know that you don’t have much and most of it is just jeans and shorts. The only dress you own is this white number that looks like it should be used for Sunday Services.”
    “Well, everyone can’t have a stripper’s wardrobe. Anyhow, I’ll be right with you. You know that I’m not very comfortable with social engagements. I don’t even know how you convinced me, but now that I said I’m going, you’re going to have to give me a little bit of time to finish this letter to my parents. And by the way, the dress you’re talking about is, in fact, for church.” I saw her shaking her head in disbelief, her long blond hair fanning out over her shoulders as she rolled her eyes.
    “I convinced you because you have been working too hard and now that finals are over, you need to get out and do something. This is your time to blow off some steam, maybe find some guy to take back to your room and do unspeakable things to. I know the way that you have been looking at Brian. If I had a chance, I would be putting my teeth marks into his fine ass myself.” She was blunt and to the point and there was a part of me that wished that I could be just like her. But the truth was that she saw right through me. Even though I was a little shy I really did want to just get laid. I hoped it wasn’t that obvious. Maybe it was written across my forehead so that every guy on the quad could see that I was a sexually repressed woman just looking to get some. “You can’t fool me, Kiley. You’ve been undressing him with your eyes for weeks now. It’s time that you took the bull by the horns – or by something else -and got on him already.”
    With that little pep talk, I finished up the letter, put it into an envelope and sealed it. I’d drop it in the mail on the way to the party. My parents might have been old school, but I had to admit there was something nice about getting an old fashioned letter in the mail once in a while.
    I had left my hometown in Wisconsin and at this point was in, what to me, was the big city of San Diego, California. It was a culture shock to say the least, but at least I had Jennifer to show me the lay of the land. She had been a godsend from the moment that I had met her as my freshman roommate.
    I took off my customary gray sweat pants and hung them on a chair nearby. I looked at the outfit that she had picked from her closet for me and it made me gasp with a sort of surprise. “You can’t possibly think that I’m going to wear something like this.” It was a little black dress that looked like a piece of tissue paper. I picked it up and looked at it, questioningly. Despite my misgivings, it was the feel of the material that sealed the deal for me. “I’ll wear it, but I don’t know how I feel about putting myself on display like this.” It wasn’t until I put it on and stood in front of the mirror and saw how good I looked, that I relaxed into my new image.
    I stood and admired my 5 ‘6, 120 pound body. I had curves in all the right places and dark hair that stretched all the way down to the small of my

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