Table for Seven

Read Online Table for Seven by Whitney Gaskell - Free Book Online

Book: Table for Seven by Whitney Gaskell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Whitney Gaskell
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary, Sagas, Contemporary Women
He wanted to makesure that he got to the table in time to claim a seat next to Audrey.
    AUDREY WAS ENJOYING HERSELF more than she thought she would. She ate the excellent warm goat cheese salad Jaime had made, sipped a very good glass of red wine, and for once she didn’t mind being seated between the only two single men present at dinner. Coop was flirtatious and attentive, obviously the sort of gay man who truly liked women. And Leland was a hoot.
    “Everything tastes better when you add bacon,” Leland announced.
    “Everything?” Will asked. “That can’t be true. There must be some foods that clash with it.”
    “No such thing,” Leland said. “I’ll go so far as to say that you can’t name a food that isn’t improved by bacon.”
    Will smiled mischievously. “Care to make a small wager on that?”
    “Look out,” Mark said. “Dinner party smack talk.”
    “You’re on,” Leland said, pointing a finger at Will. “How much are we betting?”
    Will considered this. “I’m in for five dollars,” he said.
    “High stakes gambling,” Mark said.
    “It’s a deal,” Leland said. “Go ahead. Name something that is not improved by the addition of bacon.” He sat back and waited, while Will thought.
    “Beets?” Fran suggested.
    “No helping him,” Leland admonished her. “And besides, a roasted beet salad would be delicious with bacon bits.”
    “How about cauliflower?” Will said.
    “Steamed cauliflower topped with cheese sauce and sprinkled with bacon,” Leland said.
    “This isn’t fair,” Will complained. “Whatever food I name, you’ll just announce that it’s improved by bacon. We need an impartial judge.”
    “I am a judge,” Leland said. “Or at least, I was a judge.”
    “For all we know, you spent your entire tenure on the bench on the take,” Will teased.
    A grin split across Leland’s wizened face. “I’ll never tell,” he said.
    “I’ll be the judge,” Fran said. “Or am I disqualified because I’m married to one of the players?”
    “You are,” Will said. “But only because you’d be biased in Leland’s favor.”
    “Have Coop do it, then,” Fran suggested.
    Will gave his oldest friend a sideways look. “Coop will probably favor Leland, too.”
    Coop held up his hands. “I’m as impartial as they come. Should I take an oath on a package of bacon?”
    “That won’t be necessary. You look trustworthy,” Leland said. “Are you stumped, Will?”
    “Not a chance. How about chocolate?” Will said.
    “I think they actually make chocolate and bacon candy bars. One of Emily’s friends at the tennis club had one. She said it was pretty good,” Mark said.
    “Peanut butter,” Will said.
    “Mmm, I used to love peanut butter and bacon sandwiches when I was a kid,” Fran said. “I’d have one for breakfast every Saturday morning.”
    “If you can’t help me, you can’t help Leland,” Will said.
    “Sorry, honey,” Fran said. “But I’m starting to think Leland is right.”
    “Spinach,” Will said, sounding less certain.
    “That’s easy. I make a wonderful spinach salad with golden raisins and hot bacon dressing. It’s delicious. Although not as delicious as this,” Leland said, raising a courtly fork to Jaime in appreciation for her starter. Jaime smiled her thanks back at him.
    “Pizza,” Will said uncertainly. “No forget that. I’ve had bacon on pizza. Crap. I can’t think of anything.”
    “Are you admitting defeat?” Leland asked.
    “Not a chance, old man,” Will said. “Just give me a minute to think.”
    “Should I help him out?” Coop murmured in Audrey’s ear.
    She turned to him, smiling broadly. “You’d better not. You may be impeached and stripped of your judgeship.”
    “You’re right. I can’t risk losing my power,” Coop said. He leaned closer to Audrey and inhaled.
    She leaned back and laughed. “Are you sniffing me?”
    “You smell good,” Coop said. “What is that?”
    “I don’t know. What are you

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