Syphon: Guardians of the Fractured Realms

Read Online Syphon: Guardians of the Fractured Realms by Chad Kunego - Free Book Online

Book: Syphon: Guardians of the Fractured Realms by Chad Kunego Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chad Kunego
embarrass the librarian again when he was perfectly capable of finding information on his own, especially since he had noticed out the corner of his eye that she kept staring at him when she thought he wasn’t looking.
    Finding a phone book, he flipped through the yellow pages until he found a list of jewelry stores. Scanning down the page, he found a space ad for a store that specialized in gothic and cosplay jewelry.
    That sounds promising.
    Jotting down the address, along with several other stores in the area, he set the phone book back down on a nearby table. Glancing back up, he noticed the librarian looking at him again. When she noticed him looking again, she spun around and headed over toward a door that he hadn’t noticed before. As she went in, he had the strange feeling that the door was important, but he couldn’t figure out why. As he stared at it, he suddenly got the impression that the air around the door was shimmering, like heat coming off a hot surface. As he continued to stare, he started to notice what appeared to be a slight blue glow coming out around the door frame. Before he could study it further, he heard a voice off to the side.
    “Excuse me… Are you finished with this?”
    Turning to look at the speaker, he stumbled back a few steps. Standing before him was what appeared to be a tall, gaunt looking man with pointed teeth, solid white eyes, and long, pointed ears. Blinking rapidly and rubbing his eyes, Samuel continued to back up.
    “I say, are you all right sir?”
    Samuel looked back at the man again. Standing before him now was a relatively tall gentleman dressed in a suit. He still appeared to be gaunt, but not overtly so. He still felt a slight sense of menace from him, but wasn’t sure why.
    “Yeah, I’m okay. I’ve just had a long morning is all.”
    “Quite all right.”
    Samuel noticed him gesture with his head toward the phone book.
    “Oh, yeah. I’m done with that. Be my guest.”
    “Thank you kindly.”
    As the gentleman reached for the phone book, Samuel got a bizarre double image of the guy standing before him. One was of the thing he’d first seen and another, almost transparent image of the guy he had just been talking to. Shaking his head, he glanced back at the door, but it just looked like a normal door again. Tucking the notebook and pen in his pocket, he headed for the front door. Maybe some fresh air would help with the hallucinations he was having. It would also explain why he thought the dragon was alive. After all, the doctor had implied he might have a brain injury.
    He glanced back at the man/thing waving to him. He waved back and headed toward the exit. He started wondering if he should turn himself back into the hospital so they could check to make sure he wasn’t suffering brain damage, either from the fight last night or possibly what caused him to end up in the hospital with amnesia in the first place. After all, he had coughed up a bullet. The only reason he decided against it was, other than the strange visions and odd sensations, he felt fine.
    If they get worse, I’ll have to turn myself in. There’s no sense of me dying to find out who I am. They’ll be able to figure out who I am eventually. But I’ll cross that bridge when the time comes. Until then, I need to figure this out on my own.
    Trying to cross the threshold again, he felt the odd tingling sensation, along with a slight physical resistance. It wasn’t enough to stop him, but it was enough to be noticeable. Feeling an urge to look behind him, he noticed the door the librarian had disappeared through opening again. The librarian stepped out, followed by a couple of strange guys dressed all in black with black trench coats. Feeling exposed, he dodged to the side of the door before glancing back in. He saw the librarian glancing around, gesturing at the two men. Looking frustrated, she started making gestures toward the door he’d just left through.
    As they started

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