Sword of Light

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Book: Sword of Light by Steven Tolle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steven Tolle
fade.  By the time the grooms brought the wagon to the entrance, his legs were quivering.  He gratefully climbed into the wagon, sweating from his efforts to stay upright, and let his power go.
    It only took a few minutes to ride over to Norlan’s house, finding warm light streaming from the windows.  Jake was surprised to see Norlan, Madalin and Cherise sitting on the front porch, Maxis laying at Cherise’s feet.  They stood as the wagon approached, Maxis rising and placing himself between them and the gate.  When Hailyn stopped the wagon and called out a greeting to the family, Jake used his magic again, slowly climbing out of the wagon.  He took slow hesitant steps towards the gate, Hailyn hovering close by.  He made it just inside the gate when Maxis collided with him, knocking him to the ground.  Jake cold not help but laugh as he found himself trying to push the dog away as Maxis happily licked his face.
    “Get off him, you dumb dog.”  Norlan said good-naturedly as he pulled Maxis away, allowing Jake to get back to his feet.
    Madalin, tears of joy in her eyes, threw her arms around him, pulling him close, her hug tight.  Once she finally released him, Cherise came up and gave him a quick hug, a smile on her face.  Jake was glad to see that she was better spirits than when he last saw her.
    “We heard that your party had returned, but we were not allowed into the palace grounds.”  Norlan said, still holding onto Maxis, whose tail was wagging enthusiastically.  “We hoped that you would return here after the nobles finished with you.”
    “What’s happened to you, Jake?”  Madalin asked, alarm in her voice as she looked closely at Jake’s face.  Her eyes were worried as she carefully reached up and touched the white streaks in his hair.
    “Something happened when I was using my magic to try to rescue the princess.”  Jake said, grateful for her concern.  “Jonas is not completely sure how it happened and has to research the issue before he can do anything about it.”
    “Where is he, by the way?”  Norlan asked.  “I expected either he or Dominic to be with you.”
    “It is a long story.”  Jake replied.  He gestured towards the house.  “Let’s go sit down and we can tell you what happened.”
    “Of course, Jake.”  Madalin said, gently holding onto his arm.  She walked next to him as they headed back to the house.  Maxis barked unhappily as he was left outside while the others went inside, settling in at the kitchen table.
    Madalin brought over some fruit and water as Jake and Hailyn told them everything that happened since they left the city.  They described the battle at the demons’ lair and explained what they knew of Jake’s infirmity.  Hailyn spoke about why the clerics could not yet help Jake.  They finished with Keria sending Dominic and Jonas against the demons and of their return journey to the city.
    “That is enough for now; we have plenty of time to talk.”  Madalin said firmly, standing and ending the conversation.  “You should go to your room and get some rest, Jake.  I will make sure that you are not disturbed.”  Based on the look on her face, Jake pitied the person who tried to disturb him.
    Madalin looked over at Hailyn, studying her.  “You need rest as well, Hailyn.”
    “I do.”  Hailyn said as she stood.  “I also need to get the wagon and horses back to the Temple.  I will come by tomorrow to check on Jake.”  She started for the door.  “The blessings of the One be upon you.”
    “Let me see you out.”  Norlan said and joined Hailyn as she went out the front door.
    “To your room, Jake.”  Madalin said determinedly.  Jake gave her a smile and stood, moving towards the back door, Madalin accompanying him.
    The night air was cool and the stars were shining brightly as he crossed the patio and entered his room.  Once he was inside, Madalin asked if he needed anything.  “Some water would be nice.”  Jake answered

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