Scandalized by a Scoundrel

Read Online Scandalized by a Scoundrel by Erin Knightley - Free Book Online

Book: Scandalized by a Scoundrel by Erin Knightley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Knightley
Tags: Romance, Historical, Literature & Fiction, Regency, Historical Romance
to hit the ground and muddy my clothes.”
    Doubt lifted her right brow. “I think you overestimate my strength.”
    “No, I think you are underestimating the technique. Ready?”
    At her nod, he lunged toward her, arms outstretched as though to grab her shoulders. As soon as he was close enough, she swung her right arm up, stopping just shy of his left ear. The whoosh of air made him flinch involuntarily, and she smiled sympathetically.
    “Memories of childhood?”
    He grimaced. “No, just a natural reaction.” And maybe a little memory, but she didn’t need to know that.
    “Are you saying I made you flinch?” Amusement flickered in her eyes.
    Teasing, was she? He made a face. “As I said, a natural reaction. Just like this,” he said, his arm darting out to within a few inches of her flushed cheek, making her blink. He smiled smugly. “See?”
    “My father would call that having good reflexes,” she replied archly.
    He chuckled. “Yes, let’s call it that. Now then, try it again, only this time I want you to aim just below the ear. There is an artery there that is another good target.” He traced a finger down the side of his neck, demonstrating its location. “A good enough hit can really daze an opponent.”
    She touched a hand to her own neck, following the path he had shown. “I don’t feel anything,” she said, doubt clouding her words.
    “It’s there, I promise. And trust me—you don’t want to feel anything.”
    They realigned themselves, and once again he lunged at her. She reacted at once, striking hard and fast with a flat palm. He immediately dropped to his knees, stunned by the hit.
    Her eyes went wide with horror as she clapped both hands over her cheeks. “Oh my goodness! I’m sorry!”
    Dampness seeped through the fabric at his knee as he stayed where he was a moment, gathering himself. “I’m fine,” he said, giving his head a quick shake. She had one hell of a good aim that time. Pushing off the ground, he came back to his feet and rubbed his soiled hands down the side of his pants. He was already muddy, so it didn’t matter.
    She started to reach for him, then appeared to think better of it and instead crossed her arms tightly across her chest. “Are you certain? I’m so, so sorry. I had no idea it would work like that.” Her misery was written all over her face. Gabriel found himself wanting to comfort her , despite the fact that he’d been the one knocked to his knees.
    “Fine, fine. I assure you, I can handle a great deal more than slightly dampened breeches and a bit of dirt on my palms.”
    “I’m sure you are correct, but still.” She shook her head slowly, as though at a total loss. “I just can’t believe I was able to do that. You’re as big as an ox.”
    His eyes widened. As big as an ox ? After a moment’s deliberation, he decided to take it as a compliment. Swallowing a grin, he said, “That was perfect. You did just as you should have, and I am perfectly fine.”
    His words might have been feathers for all the impact they had on her. She pursed her lips. “Do you know, I think I am properly prepared for the world now. Thank you for the lessons.” Nodding once, started to march past him.
    Oh no, he wasn’t letting her go that easily.  Reaching out, he snagged her by the elbow. “Don’t be ridiculous. There are many more ways to bring a man to his knees yet to be learned.”
    She didn’t resist his hold, even though she now knew how, thanks to yesterday’s lesson. Good—he had her attention. Instead of meeting his eyes, her gaze settled on what was sure to be a red spot at the side of his neck. Raising her free hand, she gingerly touched it. “Do you think there will be a bruise?”
    The touch surprised him. Her fingers were light and soothing, but still his pulse kicked up. Swallowing, he released her wrist and stepped back from her touch. “I doubt it. Now, we are moving on to the next lesson.”
    She shook her head. “No, we are not. I

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