Sweet Cheeks

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Book: Sweet Cheeks by J. Dorothy Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. Dorothy
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary, Contemporary Fiction
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“Yeah. I'm good.” She tries to smile, but it fades quickly as she looks up to the house.
    Well, if Tanning took her to the doctor, where the hell is Cam? Bailey looks like she expects to see him, but he's not here. I guess at least she must have decided to face him. She certainly isn't running anywhere with an injured foot. But maybe he decided to run from her this time.
    God, what a mess.
    Tanning reaches the steps where I'm standing and in one quick move sweeps Bailey into his arms. I swallow down the lump of jealousy that lodges in my chest. I know there's nothing there, but I don't like him touching anyone. Only me. I try and hold back the scowl so Bailey doesn't notice, but I think I see a hint of a smirk on Tanning's lips as he glances at me.
    “You want to get the door, Sweet Cheeks,” he says, without blinking.
    Oh, my yes. I love the way that sounds, coming from his precious lips, and I rush to hold the door open so he can take Bailey through. It's then I hear another vehicle coming down the drive and I look up to see a cloud of dust with Cam's truck in the midst of it. He's going way too fast, and I hold my breath as I watch him spin the wheel and skid heading straight for Tanning's brand new truck.
    “Shit,” Tanning curses as Cam hits the brakes and comes to a stop mere inches from the back of it. Cam doesn't waste time as he gets out and slams the door heading straight for all three of us, his face like thunder. I've never seen him this angry and it's a little scary to be honest.
    I glance at both Bailey and Tanning. Bailey's face has gone even paler and she looks like she's biting her lip hard. Man, I wouldn't like to be in her shoes right now. Tanning shrugs at me and arches a brow. I'm guessing he's not one for the drama. I must admit, as much as I've waited for this moment, I can't say I'm real keen on sticking around watching the fireworks between these two.
    Cam keeps coming at us, and I decide to calm him down. I move to intercept before he reaches Bailey. “Hey Cam. Where you been? I've got some coffee on.” That's a lie, but I'm hoping it might stop the tirade that’s sure to be coming.
    He doesn't stop though, he walks straight past me and literally yanks Bailey out of Tanning's arms, and without a word he takes her and disappears through the front door, then I hear a slam as his bedroom door shuts.
    Well don't that beat all. Not what I expected to happen.
    I must look dumbfounded as Tanning waves his hand in front of my face. “You okay there, Sweet Cheeks?”
    I blink a couple more times. “Um ... yeah.”
    “Did you think they'd break up?” he asks, and crosses his arms, narrowing his eyes.
    I look at him. Man he's rocking that black t-shirt. His tan looks even darker, his biceps nice and solid resembling boiled sweets I'd love to taste.
    “Well. I kind of thought Bailey might run away. She's good at that.”
    “Uh-huh. What else did you think?”
    Oh, I'd so love to tell him exactly what I've been thinking, and it has absolutely nothing to do with Cam and Bailey.
    I flutter my eyelashes and move in close. “That I really want them sorted, so I can find out what you meant last night about sorting other things.”
    Tanning unfolds his arms and cups my head in both his hands, smoothing the pad of his thumb over my lips. He leans in so close I can feel his minty breath on my face, and I close my eyes again, waiting for his lips to press on mine. But they don't, he traces his finger around my lips for another few seconds and then pulls me to him so my head rests on his strong chest, while he strokes my hair and sighs deep. Oh, I could stay wrapped up in his arms forever. I have never felt so safe or so comfortable in my life.
    It's a heady feeling, dizzying, all consuming. I actually feel like crying. Like I've found something I've been searching for without even knowing I wanted it. How can I have these strong kind of feelings after only knowing him a few days? Most guys before now

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