Sweet Billionaire Stepbrother ~ Part 1

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Book: Sweet Billionaire Stepbrother ~ Part 1 by Harlow Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harlow Grace
pulled my date down the stairs quickly before this escalated into something unpleasant. From under my lashes, I chanced a sneak peek at Grayson. His teeth were clenched together and his eyes were an inferno of anger. Holy hell. An angry Grayson was something I rarely witnessed. I’d heard all about his ongoing competitiveness with Seth’s brother, but surely that couldn’t be what was pissing him off?
    “Princess Layla,” Seth drawled as he opened the car door and helped me in. It didn’t sound quite the same from his mouth as what it did when Grayson said it. It actually irritated me that he had the gall to mock something that was between me and my stepbrother, but I decided to let it go. Instead I blew a loose strand of hair out of my face and waited for Seth to drive us to prom.
    We made small talk in the car, but my mind kept wandering back to Grayson. Was he telling Sloane that she looked gorgeous too? A small ache settled at the center of my heart. I’d loved the way he’d reacted when he saw my transformation and I didn’t want him finding another woman more beautiful tonight. Why? I had no damn idea. I just did.
    “Layla, you haven’t heard a word I said.” Seth admonished as he turned the car engine off and turned to face me.
    “Oh, I’m sorry—”
    Before I knew what was happening, Seth had leaned in and sealed his lips over mine. He bruised my lips with a forceful kiss and definitely ruined my perfectly applied lipstick. I tried to kiss him back, tried to let myself give in to the moment. But neither my mind nor my body would go there.
    “Christ, Layla, it’s just a kiss. Relax. You know you want it.”
    I did. I wanted to experience all the night promised. But Grayson’s face was stuck in my damn mind and try as I might, I couldn’t chase it away.

13: Layla
    S eth made sure I was watching him as he twirled around me. Sweating it out on the dance floor, my date delighted the crowd surrounding us with his smooth moves. He was cocky, self-assured and loved being the center of attention as he showed off his agile body. I smiled at him while I admired the perfect ass he seductively shook to the rhythm of the music. This was fun. I’d only heard other girls talk about the sexy side of Seth Matthews but I’d not had the pleasure of seeing or enjoying it yet. Now he was putting on a show just for me, strutting his stuff like a peacock.
    The music changed to a slow song. Seth immediately hooked me around the waist and pulled me closer to him. Heat radiated off his body in waves and his shirt was damp with perspiration.
    “Damn, you smell so good,” he said, sniffing my neck before planting a soft kiss below my jaw. He pulled me even closer and whispered in my ear. “I can’t wait to devour you later.”
    “Ohhh.” I really didn’t know what to say to that.
    “I’m already hard for you, baby. Feel my cock.” He grinned down at me as he pressed his erection against my hip. “And later I’m going to fill you with it.”
    My cheeks burned. Were all men that verbal about their intentions?
    Seth took a wide turn and slightly lost balance, causing us to bump into another couple. My back stiffened as I looked up into Grayson’s stormy eyes. His gaze burned into me, making my body feel even hotter than before. I tried to look away, yet my gaze stayed locked on his as he elegantly steered Sloane around the room without breaking eye contact.
    How did he do that?
    He kept my attention, drawing me to him even while I was being held by another man. It was bizarre.
    The song ended and another slow dance followed as the lights grew dimmer.
    Seth stopped dancing and let go of me. “I need a cold drink,” he said as he wiped his brow. “Let’s go outside for a drink and fresh air.” He winked at me playfully.
    Before I could reply, Grayson cut in, holding his hand out for mine. “Princess Layla, would you do me the honor of the next dance?” He didn’t wait for me to answer

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