Surrender to Fire: Maison Chronicles, Book 3

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Book: Surrender to Fire: Maison Chronicles, Book 3 by Skylar Kade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Skylar Kade
just a blanket. Now, he rose and headed for the door, cutting off her escape. “So quick to leave?”
    She nodded warily. “As I said, very informative, you rock as a teacher, but I’ve got stuff to do…” Her words trailed off, likely because he’d cornered her away from the exit.
    “Aren’t you just a little curious?” He was. His imagination was going wild. His self-control melted like the ice he’d used during the demo.
    “About?” Her breathy reply and dilated pupils told him he was on the right track.
    “Submission.” Her eyes fluttered closed. “Subspace.” Her tongue sneaked out to wet her lips. He leaned closer, smelling her light, fresh scent. “Us.”
    Her hands pushed at his chest, but he didn’t move back. Instead, he nudged her with his hips, making his arousal more than clear. “One night. Let me play you, for real.”
    “Why?” Her hands slid higher, linking around his neck. Yeah, she was interested.
    “Call it professional curiosity. I want to see if today’s lesson was an anomaly, or if you are as responsive as I suspect.” He rubbed her lip with his thumb. Her tongue stroked against his skin and his breath caught. “What do you say?”

Chapter Six
    This was such a bad idea, but when he touched her Cam couldn’t think. Seeing him up close, sandy hair falling over his forehead and those intense hazel eyes locked on hers, only made it harder to approach the situation with any sort of objectivity. Her hormones had cast their vote with a cheer and a race through her bloodstream, waking parts of her that, before today, had been resigned to grinning and bearing it.
    She closed her eyes, hoping that blocking him out would help her evaluate his offer rationally. Instead, it only made her think of the demo earlier. She smelled him again, fresh grass and leather, comforting and arousing. Her body swayed forward, brushing against his erection.
    “I’m a big baby when it comes to pain.”
    “Did I hurt you earlier?”
    “No, but I’m just warning you so you don’t get frustrated when I safe-word.”
    He crossed his muscled arms. She missed their strength around her waist. “That’s ridiculous. They’re called limits for a reason—every sub has them.”
    She shrugged and the blanket shifted to expose her elbow. She gathered it back around herself as anticipation beat aside her cautions. “One night?”
    He nodded, never breaking eye contact.
    One night. Kat seemed to trust him, and she trusted Kat. She’d get more insight into her so-called submission—and wasn’t that the whole reason she was here? And if it was just going to be more of what she’d felt earlier… “Okay,” she whispered, afraid that saying it louder would make it more real.
    His hands locked around her wrists, a firm demand to pay attention. Cam opened her eyes and started to speak.
    “Not yet.” He cut her off. “You’re going to agree to my rules before we make one move. Nod if you understand.”
    She nodded, not taking her gaze from him.
    “For this one night, you will obey me. You have your safe words—yellow and red—and we won’t do anything you haven’t already experienced so far today. We both agree this is purely educational.” Another nod. “From what you’ve told me, you’re getting over a relationship, and I certainly don’t want one.”
    That would have stung if she didn’t feel the same way.
    His hands loosened. Tugging her along by one wrist, he headed back onto the stage, then pointed at the massage table. “Sit.”
    “I’m not a dog.”
    He turned, slowly, and she knew that was not the right thing to say. She cringed, waiting for a smack in reprimand. That’s how Shawn punished her. Instead, she just got an arched eyebrow and a silent command to obey. She did, throwing in an “I’m sorry”.
    “I’m sorry, Sir ,” he corrected her. She repeated it back, but the honorific felt foreign on her tongue. It had been Master for so long.
    She sat as he gathered up his

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