Sunlit Shadow Dance
against him he
knew it was still her, made anew but still her. He cradled her in
his arms and stroked her head. She was the most precious thing he
had ever touched. He lifted her face to his, as if to kiss her.
    She looked at
him, serious trusting eyes locked on his, not knowing, but open to
his soul.
    He said, “You
are all I have thought of since I left you yesterday. I just needed
to see you again. More than anything I needed to see you again, to
touch you and feel you and know you were not just a dream, but a
living breathing person.”
    She nodded, “I
am glad you came, I have wanted to see you again too. It has a
feeling of rightness though I do not know why. Part of it is
because David trusted you. I trust you too”
    Then he said,
“Will you come away with me, leave here and come with me, just you
and your children?”
    She said, “If
that is what you want I will come with you. How soon shall we
    He asked, “Can
we leave tonight? I would like to leave before the night is over.
Perhaps we could rest for a while and go an hour before the
daylight comes, when others in this place are still sleeping.”
    She said,
“Yes, we will come with you then.”
    She went to
the fridge and found some bread which she toasted and served to him
with a mug of tea. As she sat beside him at the table she picked up
a pen and paper, saying. “I must write a note to tell Matilda at
the shop along with Pastor Doug and Ruth that I have gone away and
will get in touch with them again as soon as I can, or they will be
worried about me.”
    When it was
done she put the folded note on the table.
    Then she said.
“We should rest now.”
    He looked
around and saw some cushions on the sofa which he could lay on the
floor to make a bed. He said, “I will fix some cushions to lie on
for the night.”
    She said,
“There is space to lie beside me on my bed.”
    So they lay on
the bed, side by side. She turned her body to face him, and took
his arm and placed it over her shoulders, then came in close
alongside him. So they slept, bodies touching. It felt so good to
him and it felt right to her.
    She awoke in a
small hour of the morning, number around 3 or 4. Her mind was
sharply awake in an instant. She did not know where her body was,
except it was in a bed and the bed was unfamiliar.
    A sound came
of another human drawing breath, in and out, regular but not loud.
She moved her arms around to explore the bed space. There was
another body lying not far away, source of breath sounds, it was
hard and angular shaped, a body of elbows and bony protuberances.
It must be a man. Now she knew who this man was. The man had a name
and a face. He had no history but his name was Vic, he was with her
and she was glad.
    She could
remember no other past and her future was an unknown place, but he
was here and he was known. That was enough so she would trust her
life to him. She slept again until he woke her in the early dawn
and she knew him still.
    As the first
light tinged the eastern sky they each carried a sleeping child to
the car and drove together to another unknown place.

Chapter 10 -
Making a Family
    Almost two
months had passed since that day when Jane and Vic had driven away.
Vic could not think of a time when his life had been better or more
fulfilling. Not that there were not lots of little speed-bumps or
frustrations along the way, including the inability to satisfy his
sexuality with this beautiful women whose body pressed to his every
    But these were
at most minor frustrations that did not detract from the goodness
of his life. In his earlier life when he had visited his sister in
Alice Springs one of the things which gave him greatest pleasure
was her three children coming and going, talking to Uncle Vic,
sitting on his knee, showing him their books and drawings,
sometimes telling him their stories of the days and at times
playing little games which frequently involved him but at other
times he just sat and

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