Summers, Jordan

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Book: Summers, Jordan by Gothic Passions [html] Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gothic Passions [html]
back. Her innocent exploration inflamed him. He willed his fangs to stay drawn.
    Lily’s rose perfume surrounded them. Her lips were soft
and pliable beneath his fevered kiss. Richard longed to draw her to him, feel
her full breasts crushed against his chest. But not yet, it was too soon. He had
already stepped over the line by embracing her. Gently he pulled back from the
kiss, giving her swollen lips one last lick before allowing them both to catch
their breaths.
    It was better than he’d imagined. Like seeing the sun
for the last time, her brilliance was flawless. He didn’t believe in love at
first sight. He was far too cynical for that, but… She truly was everything he’d
ever searched for in a woman… in a bloodmate and he planned to make her his for
all eternity, if only she’d agree.
    Richard banished any thought of Lily turning him away.
He couldn’t imagine existing for centuries without her beauty and light
surrounding him, so he purged it from his mind. He would woo her as he should,
and convince her beyond doubt that they were meant to be together. Perhaps in
time she would grow to love him. Richard swore he would find a way to convince
Lord Archibald Devlin to grant his suit without using his powers of control.
    Lily’s lungs heaved. She couldn’t seem to get enough
air. Her head spun from Richard’s powerful kiss. She could still taste him in
her mouth, on her skin, a spicy mint with a hint of coppery tang that refused
to leave her senses. Lily had never been kissed like that before, actually she’d
never been kissed at all.
    Lord Martins had tried, but his clumsy groping had left
her cold. Her toes were still curled from Richard’s embrace. So much so, she
didn’t think she’d be able to walk back to the ballroom. Her body trembled and
an unfamiliar ache had begun between her thighs that she had no idea how to
    She wondered whether all of Richard’s kisses were like
this, so drugging, so addictive. On the rare occasion she’d come upon a couple
in an embrace they hadn’t seemed to be so breathless and disoriented as she
felt now. It had to be Richard and something he’d done to her. But for the life
of her, Lily couldn’t figure out what. His rakish ways had somehow invaded her
wits, slipped below her defenses. Her thoughts were in turmoil as she put her
mask back on.
    “We’d better return before we’re missed.” His voice
sounded ragged and unusually strained.
    Her eyes went to his face. He didn’t appear to be as
confused as she, but the urgency in his gaze hadn’t been there before. A look
of steadfast determination emerged clearly written on his chiseled features.
Lily smiled and extended her hand, grateful for the added support, albeit
    They returned in time to join another quadrille.
Richard led her right out onto the dance floor without pause, his firm arm
supporting her unsteady weight. They danced one last time, before the evening
drew to a close. Lily couldn’t miss the speculative glances as Richard escorted
her back to her father and her Aunt, Lady Margaret, Duchess of Dreyer.
    The expression on Lord Devlin’s face was unreadable,
stony. His eyes flicked to the ton surrounding them, causing Lily to look too.
From the dowager’s whispers and a few arched brows, Lily realized Richard’s
intentions toward her had been made clear to the whole ton by his actions
tonight. If he chose to back off now, there was a very good chance her
reputation would be tarnished, if not ruined. Yet, he made no attempt to hide.
His actions spoke volumes. He’d claimed her, plain and simple. And despite the
fabulous kiss, Lily wasn’t at all sure how she felt about that.

    Chapter Four
    Lily stood in the library staring out the window at the
darkened lawn, her mask dangling from her fingertips. A fire warmed her back,
casting ghostly shadows upon the window pane.
    “I want you to have nothing to do with Lord Lyon. Do
you understand, gel?” The

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