Dangerous Assignment (Aegis Group Book 4)

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Book: Dangerous Assignment (Aegis Group Book 4) by Sidney Bristol Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sidney Bristol
ISIS. One of Mason’s contacts at the CIA is highly interested in anything we may find out. You know what’s really the cherry on top of all this?”
    “What?” Luke shoved his feet into his shoes, fully dressed and ready.
    “They’re coming tonight.”
    “Great,” Abigail muttered.
    “What’s so great about that?” Ethan threw up his hands.
    “I didn’t mean…” She glanced at Ethan, a flash of annoyance behind those dark brown eyes.
    “Lay off,” Luke snapped and closed the short distance between himself and Abigail. He’d promised to stop looking into them. So he would. What was done was done.
    She turned her head toward him. There was something so damn regal to the way she moved. A turn of her head, the way she breathed or even crossed a room was beautiful.
    She tipped her chin up, the long line of her neck taunting him with memories of last night. How she’d tasted.
    “If they’re planning a large-scale party like this, I fear we’ll be dropped by tomorrow. Too much of a liability. We’ll know too much.” Abigail planted her hands on her hips, all business now.
    “My thoughts exactly,” Ethan said.
    “Don’t worry about this. Ethan, we stop digging now. We do this job. We get out of here. Together. Okay? This way we all get home to our families.” Luke clenched his hand to keep from touching her, from offering that shoulder once more. This needed to be different. He couldn’t jump in whole hog like he’d done in the past. Abigail was different. He needed to be different.
    She flashed him a tight, tense smile. He could sense the worry coming off her in waves, and he got it. He finally got it.
    Abigail was more than she appeared.
    She was…working something. Some sort of undercover operative, and if he and Ethan kept digging, they’d fuck up what she was doing. She couldn’t tell him who she worked for, that much he got, but they were on the same side in this. What they did was dangerous, no matter what. And with clients like the Smiths, the risk was that much greater. Which was all the more reason for them to stick together. Together, they could watch each other’s backs and make it home. And maybe then he’d learn her secrets.
    Hassan held his breath as he side-stepped into the suite. He was sweating buckets, and there was nothing he could do about it. His contact had come through, all right, but the tech was old, janky, and volatile. His luck, the devices would blow too early.
    “Watch it,” he snapped at the American idiot.
    “Over there,” the man gestured at the table.
    “I know where chairs go.”
    Hassan led the line of people with dining chairs toward the table. He slipped around to the designated spot for Mr. and Mrs. Smith, placing them exactly so.
    It wasn’t strictly necessary that the chairs be the Smiths’. Close proximity would do nicely, but he wasn’t going to take a chance. He directed the other staffers, adjusting chairs, hustling about, keeping his head down.
    Just because Yael hadn’t noticed him didn’t mean she wouldn’t. He’d changed his appearance, but it might not be enough. She wasn’t stupid, just complacent. Everyone else might think she was dead, but he knew the truth. What she’d done, the sneaky bitch.
    “Hey.” The chef grabbed Hassan by the arm and pulled him into the kitchen. “Where’s my money?”
    “I told you, I’ll slip it to you after dinner.”
    “Don’t think you can pull one over on me.”
    “Wouldn’t dream of it.” Hassan pulled his arm out of the man’s grasp and tugged his jacket into place.
    If he was lucky, the idiot would be blown out of the windows. Otherwise, Hassan might need to finish the job himself.
    He extracted himself from the kitchen, thanks to the arrival of the prep chefs, and ducked out through a side door. Everything was ready. He glanced over his shoulder, some of the strain fading away. One, last piece to fall into place.
    Hassan ducked down a hallway and slid his key card into the slot of

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