Student Body - Taking One for the Team

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Book: Student Body - Taking One for the Team by A.M. Hess Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.M. Hess
celebration. “Well done, Professor Shaw .” They raised glasses in a toast. “It was exactly as you called it, crossing routes followed by out routes and then a go route! Two scores and a shutout, how did you do it?” Brenda asked.
    “Again, I didn’t do anything with exception of giving a young man access to his natural abilities. He needed to know what was expected of him and how to achieve it, Adam Carlson did the rest. I will meet with him next week and praise him for his knowledge, hard work and overall performance. He’ll be rewarded and that’s all any student athlete wants, direction, acknowledgement and reward.” She raised her glass again.
    Brenda shook her head, “Such modesty. I just want to know how you do it. You have something special the kids take to, something they respond well to. I wish I knew what it was.” She sipped her champagne, “Perhaps I could attend one of your private lessons sometime?”
    “As much as I’d like that, it’s the first rule I share with the student, private lessons are private. It gives them a safe space to explore and question. They find that what was not there before can be found in this new and empty space of learning. It seems to be working.” Kelly smiled politely hoping desperately that she had averted a confrontation.
    “You’re right, and if it’s not broken…” Brenda smiled and leaned in to hug Kelly. “You just let me know if you ever change your mind. Now let’s see another good half of football!” And like a social butterfly, Brenda Cook fluttered off to another group of people.
    When she was gone Donna said, “I think she wants to crash your party.” They laughed but Kelly was uneasy about the request. Thankfully the second half began and she was able to forget and concentrate on the game.
    The second half of the game was a variation of the first. The A&T defense had no answer for the speed of Adam Carlson. They tried zone coverage, man coverage and when they double teamed him, he would guide the defenders away from the open receivers. The sports announcers called it ‘a clinic of perfection’ and ‘textbook style beat down’. At the final whistle the score was 42 to 3, the A&T offense had produced one three point field goal of total offense.
    The Club was a cacophony of cheers and clapping until the closed circuit television changed to the image of Coach Norris and his star receiver Adam Carlson. The coach made a few opening remarks but the nation wanted to hear from their new star. A reporter opened the questioning, “Adam, how were you able to pick apart the defense? It was if you knew their next move before they did.”
    The camera zoomed to a full screen of Adam Carlson’s sweaty face and matted hair. He said, “First I’d like to thank the coaching staff for providing all the tools we need to be a great team. Next you have to look at the locker room full of hard working guys who make this possible every week. Robbie had a great day at quarterback, Stan, Tommy and Mike had some big hits that really turned the tide and kept A&T out of the end zone. It was a complete team effort and those guys need to hear it. Other than that, I was able to get in some study time on films and we prepared based on what we saw. They’re a good squad, but I think we were just a little better prepared for today.”
    In the All-Star Club the boosters commented on the poise and good nature of the kid on the television screen. He gave credit and took time to acknowledge the school, the staff and the team. They viewed him as humble, modest and insightful. “Sounds like the image of you Professor Shaw.” It was Brenda Cook again. “You have made him in your like image.” She said paraphrasing a bible verse. “You ladies have a good weekend and with luck I’ll see you sometime this week.” Before Kelly could ask what she meant, Brenda Cook disappeared into the crowd.

Chapter Nine
    The school was buzzing the following week.

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