Student Body - Taking One for the Team

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Book: Student Body - Taking One for the Team by A.M. Hess Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.M. Hess
Adam Carlson had set a new freshman record for most passing yards in a single game. The football team was undefeated. The boosters and alumni were both ecstatic and through it all, many credited Professor Kelly Shaw the success.
    Tuesday morning after class Professor Shaw returned to her office to grade papers and to make herself available to students in need of her counsel. The crisp autumn day made for a nice walk across the campus and reminded her of why she began a life as an educator. Life for these kids was the university, everything they knew existed within the campus walls and prepared them for real life beyond. She loved her career and was happy that she and the administration had come to a compromise regarding student athletes. If she couldn’t teach them English Literature, she could impart other lessons. She smiled and unlocked her office door.
    The office was filled with books, papers, and periodicals piled on the desk and various shelves and filing cabinets. It was crowded and overflowing but it was also home to her and her students during normal classroom hours. Kelly unloaded the next wave of papers she received for grading. With several hours free before her next class, she secretly wished for the students to leave her alone. There was enough time to finish the freshman term papers and get in an hour or so of reading, one of the few personal thing she enjoyed.
    From her bag she produced her latest literary venture into erotic fiction. The book was titled ‘ Wanting Control – Secret Chronicles Series Book #1 ’. The main character was considering an extra-marital affair in which she would be the controlling sexual partner, but she desired the male to be her submissive servant as well. The book allowed the reader to see inside the life of the main character and her fantasies of sexually controlling the men in her life. Many of the female administrators were reading the book, but most were attempting to keep it secret.
    Kelly took her seat and dug into the stack of papers. With five papers graded she reached for the sixth as there was a knock on the door. So much for getting in some reading today , she thought as she said, “Come in.” The door pushed open and there in her office stood Brenda Cook.
    “Professor Shaw?” Brenda said opening the door.
    “Mrs. Cook, please come in.” She said again. “To what do I owe this pleasant surprise visit?”
    “Please, call me Brenda.” She moved to hug the professor. “I had some time on campus today and wanted to see the command and control center of our most valuable educator.” She laughed.
    Kelly knew that it was no coincident for the leading university booster to just happen into her office during the only free time of her day. This woman was purposeful in everything she did, the question was…why? Offering her a seat she said, “I’ll call you Brenda if you will call me Kelly.” They sat, “I am so happy to see you. This is my only time in the office today, if you’d come by after lunch we would have missed each other.” So, how did you know and why are you really here?
    Brenda Cook smiled slyly, “I suppose you’re too smart to know I didn’t just happen to walk in. Saturday after the game I asked the coach to check your schedule for a time when I could find you in the office. He did and here I am.” She paused a moment. “I don’t think you understand how valuable we see you. As I was saying Saturday, Tom and I, as well as many others, have worked hard to promote this university and all of its programs both academic and athletic. It’s rare that a professor sides with us outside the realm of academia. Further, to have an educator give of themselves as tirelessly as you do is remarkable. We just want you to know how much we appreciate your efforts.”
    With Brenda coming clean about her knowledge and intent Kelly was somewhat relived. She didn’t want to feel like she was being deceived or lied to; she liked Brenda and many of the

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