Stripping Asjiah I

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Book: Stripping Asjiah I by Sa'Rese Thompson. Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sa'Rese Thompson.
in the house for a minute until you calm down.”
    “Why are you still talking to me?” I turned around to face him so he could see the tears running down my cheeks. “I’m going to tell you one last time, and then I’m calling my brother, get-the-fuck-away-from-me!”
    “Whatever, I don’t have time for this shit! You know what, I did fuck Corey! Maybe if you stop being so tight I wouldn’t have to cheat on you!” CJ pulled his hat so it was sitting low over his eyes deflecting my stare.
    “Thank you. Thank you for finally being honest.” Turning away from him I continued walking down the street.
“What’s up pretty girl?”
Lost in thought I looked up to see this brown-skinned dude with chestnut eyes and a Colgate smile staring back at me. “Hi Money.”
    “Damn that shit was dry as hell; I know you can do better than that.” Chuckling he commented on my lack of enthusiasm as he tried to make me smile. “Where yo man at?
    Does he know you’re out here waiting for the RTA?”
“I really don’t give a fuck what he knows.”
“It’s too hot for you to be standing out here baby girl, let me take you home.” Money reached across the seat and opened the door to the Camry. Still mad at CJ I didn’t really want to catch the bus, and it was hot as hell outside so I accepted his offer.
    “So what’s good Ms. Asjiah?” Money wet his lips with his tongue and glanced at me out the corner of his eye. “Do you have to go straight home or can I spend a little time with you first?”
    Still dressed in the RocaWear suit I had on the day before I took off my jacket revealing a low cut tank top that barely covered my chest. “You can do whatever you want to do.”
    Money’s eyes rested on my breasts as he smiled. “Are you sure about that?”
Punching him lightly in the arm I laughed. “I didn’t mean it like that.” “There we go, I knew you could smile.”

    “Damn Stacey shit!” Angel looked down at his girl as she made his dick disappear and reappear like some kinky magic trick.
Stacey made a popping noise as she took his dick out her mouth. “You like that daddy?”
“Hell yeah, now shut up and keep sucking that shit!”
Stacey placed both of her hands around Angel’s shaft and began moving them in a counterclockwise motion.
“Oh shit!” Angel grabbed her shoulders as he let himself go inside Stacey’s mouth.
“Good girl.”
    Helping her off the floor Angel kissed her on the cheek and playfully slapped her on the ass as she walked out the bedroom. Reaching for his cell he checked the time. 3:30 p.m. He needed to get dressed and start his day. He had to make a run with Caleb and Gabriel to meet his connect in Chicago.
    “Where do you think you’re going?” Entering the room Stacey began to strip.
    At fifteen she had the body of a 25 year old woman. Light-skinned, brown almond-shaped eyes, and shoulder length hair, Stacey was cute. Her ass was a little flat but the weight she carried in the front made up for that in the shape of perfect D-cup breasts.
    “Come on ma. I gotta go handle some things. I can’t stay cooped up in here with you all day.”
“You don’t want to play with me anymore daddy?” Stopping in front of Angel, Stacey bent over and grabbed her ankles.
“Shit. Don’t do that to me. I told you I gotta go.”
Reaching between her legs she placed two of her fingers into her moist slit. “But daddy it’s still wet.”
    Angel undid his jeans allowing them to drop to the floor once again. “Well since you said it like that…”
    “Ooh…” Stacey steadied herself as Angel entered her. Whatever he had to do would have to wait until she was fully satisfied.

    Money ended up taking me over on 131st to Coneheads to get some ice cream. We had a couple of classes together but I never really paid him much attention. I tried not to talk to the guys I went to school with because I didn’t want everybody in my business but Money seemed

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