
Read Online StripperwithSpice by Afton Locke - Free Book Online

Book: StripperwithSpice by Afton Locke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Afton Locke
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voices shout at once. Mine is not among
them, but the word screams inside my mind.
    “Only one of you can date him.” The organizer holds the
fishbowl toward him. “Now who’s it going to be?”
    With a serious face, he looks out at the audience. Even
though he’s far away, his dark gaze hits me with the force of an arrow between
the eyes. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he’s looking at me and only me.
    As Rolf did, he closes his eyes and digs through the
tickets. I should close my eyes too. When I see the woman who wins, I’ll
picture them together and it will consume me with jealousy.
    When the announcer reads the number he selects, I barely
hear it because so much blood roars through my ears. My hand shakes as I hold
up the ticket and my brain repeats each number.
    Zena looks at me. “Well?”
    I stand, almost knocking down my chair. “I won.”
    The announcer holds a hand to her ear. “Speak up, honey.
Claim your man.”
    Oh my freaking God! I won! I won a one-on-one date with Carlos!
For two hours! I must look even more shocked than Dorothy had.
    “We should’ve sat at that table,” someone yells.
    Zena pushes me toward the stage too. “Remember the details.
I want to hear all about it afterward.”
    Luckily I had the sense to wear flats today. My body
trembles so hard I can hardly walk. As I approach the stage, Carlos’ smile is
brighter than the sun with a few solar flares thrown in. Like Rolf, he’s a good
showman when he decides to be. I’m almost convinced he really wanted me to win.
    As soon as I get onstage, he gives me a crushing hug and
grips my hand so hard it hurts. Down, boy. This must be part of the
fantasy act.
    “You look pleased, Carlos,” the announcer comments.
    “I am,” he replies. “Can we go now?”
    She checks her watch. “Go!”
    My mouth is completely dry and I swear my heart is sitting
on my tongue as Carlos whisks me offstage. Without a word, he stops at the
elevator and pushes the Up button. Where is he taking me? His room?
    It must mean he plans to sleep with me…or he thinks I expect
to sleep with him. I don’t know if I’m ready to have sex with him, especially
without some normal dates under our belts first. I sure don’t want to if the
feeling isn’t mutual. Besides, didn’t the announcer say hanky-panky was
    Oh, this is so confusing!
    “I don’t feel like sitting in the bar and having everyone
gawk at us.” He glances at the elevator. “What about you?”
    The beaming smile and showmanship are gone. He even leans
from one foot to the other as if he’s ill at ease. Some prize. It’s pretty
clear he doesn’t want me.
    “I don’t know,” I mutter. “I’ve never won a fantasy date
    “We can grab some coffee and talk. Or you can go home early
if you’d rather. You mentioned having a lot of work to do.”
    Go home? Boy, he can’t wait to get rid of me, can he?
    When the elevator door opens, we walk inside, but I’m not
sure why since we don’t know where we’re going. The space is much too close and
warm. He hits one of the numbers and we ascend, making me more lightheaded than
I already am.
    I focus on the striped elevator wallpaper instead of him.
“Why don’t you just go back and draw another number, Carlos?”
    He plants himself between the wall and me. “I’m glad it’s
    “You are?”
    He nods and holds my hand. “And I’m not in the mood for some
chivalrous fantasy. Like the announcer said, we’re not allowed to have sex, but
I’m willing to break the rules.”
    Sex with this gorgeous man? The thought of it tightens every
muscle from the waist down to the point of throbbing. When I squeeze my legs
together to stop the sensation, the seam of my pants presses against my clit.
His warm palm against mine would feel even better on my breasts.
    Right now I would give my eyeteeth just to see him naked. To
feel his…
    Have I lost my mind? I should hit the button for my floor
and end this charade before

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