Stripped Bare

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Book: Stripped Bare by Susan Mac Nicol Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Mac Nicol
groping his backside and the feel of his crotch against his own made him smile as he stood sipping his gin and tonic at the bar, his eyes scouring the room for any sight of David.
    He found him in a corner booth, obviously enjoying himself as it looked like his tongue was stuck halfway down some guy’s throat. Matthew unpeeled himself from the bar and once again fought his way through the dancing couples on the floor. He ran the gauntlet with his drink held high, and found himself at the table occupied by David and his partner. Matthew coughed loudly and David opened his eyes, looking up at him. For a moment there was a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes at seeing Matthew, but then he uncinched himself from his partner and stood up. He still looked pale and moved slowly as if he was still in pain, but overall he looked a lot better.
    “Matty! God, fancy seeing you here. I didn’t think this was your kind of scene.” David was the only other person in the world that Matthew didn’t mind using the name. It had been David’s name for him ever since he could remember. The two men embraced and as they drew apart, the man David had been asphyxiating turned around.
    Matthew’s eyes were riveted by the clear bright blue gaze as Shane faced him. The lawyer’s heart jumped and he felt his hands clench at his sides. Shane regarded him steadily. David waved a hand and leaned in to talk into Matthew’s ear. The music was fairly loud and he had to concentrate to hear what David was saying.
    “You two know each other, don’t you? You met at the hospital, Shane tells me. Thanks for coming to that debacle, Matty. I’m so sorry you and Dad had a falling out. You know what he’s like. He can be a real bugger. I’m sorry you lost your job, Matty. But I’m fine now, all better.”
    “Shane.” Matthew nodded at the other man. “Good to see you again.” His body was flushed with heat, desire and annoyance in equal parts.
    “Matthew.” Shane shifted over on the bench and waved as he spoke loudly over the noise. “Sit down. I’m with David on this one. I never figured you for the club scene.”
    Matthew sat down in the booth on Shane’s left and David sat on the other side of him. His temper was rising. He leaned over and spoke at full volume into Shane’s ear. “I was looking for David. I’ve been all over bloody London trying to find him.”
    He scowled as he leaned over to speak to David. “I wanted to see how you were, DD, seeing as you haven’t been returning my calls this past week or so. I see you were both very busy.”
    His pointed tone was directed at both the fact that David had ignored him and the fact that he was here with Matthew’s very own wet dream. Matthew couldn’t say why he felt so aggrieved or such a sense of possessiveness for a man he hardly knew. Shane had declared an interest but he’d fobbed him off.
    He had no right to feel the sheer jealousy he’d had seeing them kissing. Shane looked incredible; his broad shoulders snug in a thin white tight-fitting polo neck jumper. His blond hair was tousled, probably from where David had been running his hands through it and his lips were swollen from kisses. He looked delectable and Matthew couldn’t stand it. He stood up abruptly, slamming his glass down on the table top. He shouted over the sound of the blaring music.
    “Actually, I can see you’re both all right, so I’ll leave you two alone.”
    David reached a hand out and started to speak as Shane eyed Matthew cautiously.
    Matthew knew he sounded like a petulant child but he couldn’t help himself. He waved a hand airily, not caring if they could hear him or not, just wanting to get the words out.
    “Get back to what you were doing, enjoying yourselves. Don’t choke on each other’s tongues.” He turned heel and hot-footed it through the club to the exit.
    Outside, he stood in the cooling night air, trying to calm himself down. Matthew had a temper, but it didn’t often come to the

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